
Thursday, March 19, 2009


I finished my turtles for the guilds next comfort blocks. They went together fairly quickly but i think mine might be too small, the blocks are 10 3/4" , they are probably suppose to be 11"....what did you get? I did end up pinning my curves and found they turned out more accurate.
This pattern is from the Quiltmaker magazine from a few years ago, don't know the issue.
I just received some books on free hand quilting and free hand feathers so i'll be busy drawing out those designs before i try them on fabric. About half of the free hand designs in the book i can already do but it's those feathers i really want to learn.
I'm just loading a large Thimbleberry quilt onto my frame and should start that one this weekend. I"m heading to Prince Albert tomorrow, the boys have orthodontist appointments....that's a 4 and a half our drive just to take the kids to an in a northern town.


  1. Haven't done mine yet but the pattern is from The Quiltmaker Sept/Oct 2004.
    PS Kathy -- look at the top of the directions!!


  2. LOL....that shows how well i read instructions!!

  3. Read.. directions.. Oh I am soo bad about that!

  4. Found my copy of the magazine -- says finished size of block is 10 1/4 so I'd say you were right on!!

  5. Just completed the turtle block which ended up being 11"... is that too large? I calculated the sections of the block and it seemed it should end up being 10 3/4 to 11" ????
    Enjoyed the challenge of this block and look forward to more!

  6. It is better to have them turn out bigger as this is a forgiving pattern. They can all be easily trimmed to the same size at the guild once we know what everyone else ended up with.
