
Monday, April 26, 2010

Batik Quilt in Progress

I started this batik Winner's Bouquet quilt back in the fall at the guilds quilt retreat.  I had precut all the pieces with the acrylic templates that came with the pattern ( love acrylic templates!!) so it was a great retreat project, just sit and sew.  This is the first project that I didn't finish before starting another one...I use to be so good at focusing on one project and getting it done before starting the next but not anymore.  So I got it out again this weekend and put a good dent into the pile of cut pieces.  I'm make a queen size quilt with 120 blocks so I'm hoping to have all the block made this week. I think that is a reasonable goal.  I just love the colors of these batiks...I can't believe I cut into my precious batik stash!  But it had to happen one day and this quilt pattern is definately batik worthy.
I do not take in any customer quilts over the summer, that is my time on the machine and this will be my first project to quilt.


  1. This looks like it's going to be an absolutely gorgeous quilt... I love the colours, they are so tranquil and actually very earthy. I've been lurking on your blog for a long time, but never made a comment... I finally thought it was high time I did - I find it wonderful and exciting to get comments to encourage us to keep going. A fellow "Flonian".

  2. Heather I heard a rumor you visited my blog once in awhile, I'm glad you came out of lurkdom and left a comment. :)
    Yes, I definately get a smile of delight when I see I have a is encouraging to know people are enjoying my blog.

  3. This is an interesting quilt Kathy, I love batiks and thats also my kind of colour scheme..will be very interested to see how you quilt it!!!
    Nice to see you have been over to my side of the pond for a peek into my life!!! I agree it is good to realise that others are interested in our lives as humble as we ourselves think they are!

    Best Wishes Kay in Scotland

  4. I love this quilt so far and can't wait to see it done! I love the colors and the pattern is so cool! Your curved piecing is great and boy will that come in handy this summer when you go to quilt it!Where did the pattern come from? It's a winner!
