
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Little Dab Will Do Ya!

So as I was working on my clients Block of the Month quilt (a 2005 guild project) I was getting a bit frustrated with my machine.   It wasn't moving as nicely as it usually does so I had to work hard to move it were I wanted it to go.  I cleaned the wheels and rails... but it still wasn't right.   I then remembered a post on quilting forum that suggested waxing your rails to slow down the oxidation that causes the problems with the wheels and to improve the glide of your machine.  So I found my furnature polish which had not been used since my son was one and desided that chewing on my coffee table was the best thing for teething.  Son number two did this too.  Why, i just don't know. Anyway so I rubbed just a little dab of wax on the rails and was like the machine lost 20 pounds!  I then had the opposite problem of it moving too easy.   It took a few minutes to get use to but I am very glad I tried this. 
I quilted the center of this quilt with the pantograph called Come Dance with Me and then I feathered the outer border.  Used So Fine thread and Dream Blend batting.

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to seeing the pantograph on this one! Really like how your client did the sashing and cornerstones! It gives this block of the month a different look! E
