
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Which One??

I have been dyeing fabric today and have narrowed down the backing fabric for my Beach Blanket to these three colours.  What do you think? Is there one that you feel would make the best backing?  I am really torn between two so I am curious what you think. 


  1. My eyes went right to the darkest blue! The lightest colour didn't appeal at all!! That's my two cents!! E (one of the lazy ones --- much easier to comment this way than by logging in!) :)

  2. I agree. The darkest blue caught my eye too. Absolutely wonderful how your quilt came together. BH

  3. yes I agree the dark blue is the best< and would be a nice binding as well

  4. Love the darkest ... my eyes also went to it first. They are all beautiful, of course ... good job on the dying!

  5. Diddo, my eyes went immediately to the darkest ones as well! Great job on the dying. Was this a small testing piece? Really like how your teal turned out and must try for my quilt backing. G

  6. Taken another look at your colors with so many to draw from and I think maybe pick from the light purples you have or the teal/green would be nice. The darker fabric would be a nuisance given that sandy beach :( G

  7. Exactly G!!! Sand on dark fabric...yikes!
    Everyone so far made a great point...the darkest caught their eye first. I want the piecing to be the focus so the dark fabrics are out. I do like the idea of binding in the dark though.
    Also thread choice....I will probably use a light to medium thread on top so would like to match the back.
    I see another day of dyeing with a lot lighter versions of my dark fabrics.
    A dyeing day is never a wasted day :)

  8. Yep, I say the darkest or second darkest! What beautiful fabrics! The purples or teals will be beautiful as well! I am in hopes that maybe someday you'll do a tutorial on dying!

  9. I personally like the lightest one, it is more like summer time colors and the sand would not show as much.
