
Friday, July 23, 2010

Tote Bag Giveaway!

Next week is my 40th Birthday so I thought this would be the perfect time to have a Giveaway for my readers.  Now this isn't like most don't have to worry about having to become a follower to my blog, or have to blog about it on your blog.   All you have to do is leave a comment with your name and let me know which color of tote bag you would like to win, Blue or Yellow.  Easy.  If you want to add how you found my blog that would be fun for me to read too.
These totebags are 16" square and made with batik favorite! 
I'll make the draw on July 30th (my birthday) at noon (central time).  Good luck!


  1. Looks like my first try went awry!!! I like the blue one!! I know about your blog because you told me!! Have a Happy Birthday!! Eileen :)

  2. Happy Birthday!
    You always have such creative ways to photograph your quilts.
    I found your blog through the APQS forum. I do subscribe to you blog. If I win, I would like the yellow bag please.


  3. You know I am your most avid follower and I guess if I am really serious about entering this contest I will have to leave my name. I look forward to each new post and I do check in daily--I guess that is why the counter is gone! My preference is the yellow bag, especially since Eileen prefers the blue. Happy 40th, Kathy. Enjoy your cake. It seems after 40 your cakes come every 5 years instead of every year! Audrey

  4. Happy Birthday Kathy! Oh, to be 40 again! I would love to win one of your quilted bags, the yellow one. I found your blog by talking to one of the members of the quilting guild. I love to see the new items shown, and visit your blog several times a week for inspiration. Cyn

  5. Oh , the yellow please, have a very Happy Birthday!
    Is it on the 30th? Same day as my Heather.

  6. Well, just to even things up a bit...I like the blue is my most favourite colour!
    I think I have always known where your blog was Kathy, seems that way...but seriously, I noticed your beautiful quilting while taking a course with you over on MQResource and then I also joined the APQS forum...I may become a member of that family very soon....???
    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  7. Hum I have followed your Blog from the beginning! I look almost everyday and I keeps me motivated in my own quilting! Nicole and I would like a BLUE one!

    Trina and Nicole Caba

  8. Happy Birthday Kathy,
    I have followed your blog since day one and I like the blue one if I was to be so lucky as to win one.

  9. Well an early Happy Birthday to yah Kathy! You don't look a day over 30! I really enjoy checking out your blog on a regular basis as it keeps me motivated in my quilting projects. I too enjoy using the batik fabrics whenever I can in my projects... they remind me so much of nature. Just wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you on the 30th! Take care, G.

  10. Hi Kathy! So it is your birthday coming up and you are giving away presents! Quilters are the best! I found you are on the APQS forum and since you are from my neighboring province I follow you all the time.

    If I was to win I would like the yellow one, but they both are awesome.

    Have a great husband turns 60 on July 29th so we are celebrating too! Blessings, Helen

  11. I have followed your blog since my friends at the NSQ told me about it. I love the photos and I like the blue bag. Your neighbour Phyl B.

  12. what a great time to let you know how i much i enjoy your blog. I check it VERY often and there are always lots of great ideas and beautiful work. your personal stories add a great touch. as for which bag i would like i would be happy with either one
    have a greatBirthday.

  13. Happy Birthday Kathy
    I love your blog and have faithfully followed it since
    the first entry.
    Everyone was so excited when you told us about the Tamarack Shack Blog.
    I like the yellow bag.

  14. wow!! a b/day present for us??!!
    now that's terrific...
    a very happy 40th b/day to you (you look like a teen-ager)
    my choice is yellow.
    have a fun day :))
    bev b.

  15. Have a Happy Birthday... and although it is a difficult decision... since I LIKE THEM BOTH... if I had to choose, the yellow I think.

  16. happy burfday cathy!!!

    if the blog giveaway fairy blesses me with a win i'd like the blue one please

    *fingers crossed*

  17. Happy Birthday Kathy!

    I have just started quilting this spring and have followed your blog since. My teacher ( you know who you are ) told me about the site. Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas and beautiful quilting. Have a great summer!

    My choice would be the yellow bag please.


  18. Happy Birthday!! You're so young......

    Well, being your sister-in-law I like to catch up now and then to see what's happening at the 'Shack'. I always marvel at your talent.

    My favorite bag is the yellow one!

    Have a great day and we'll see you soon!


  19. Happy Birthday, Kathy! My choice would be the yellow bag please... Robin
