
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mystery Quilt #7

Here is Evelyn's Mystery quilt and she asked for custom quilting.  I really like how I custom quilted Rae Mystery which also had the black sashing but I wanted to make sure they looked different.

I thought maybe I could be a bit bolder with my thread choices as the colours were so bright and bold in this quilt. I usually play it safe with my thread choices and let them blend in. But when I discovered I had the perfect Rainbow coloured thread I just had to use it.   I also had the right turquoise and purple threads for the stars.

I also decided to be bolder with the back as I usually like to match my bobbin thread to the backing fabric but not this time. I used the purple thread that I used for the star on top for the bobbin thread!  The quilting design on the back makes the stars look like flowers, I love that.

I didn't want to densely fill this quilt, it was going to be used so I still wanted it to have a soft feel so I left some areas open. I quilted my molar feathers in the outside border and in the stars.  I did loops around the sashing of the squares and I echoed two lines in the printed border and pulled them into the triangles for a different effect on the back.

I tried Quilters Dream Black Poly batting for the first time on this quilt and I just loved quilting with this batting, it is so soft.  I ordered 4 packages so have three left and if any of my local quilters are interesting in purchasing some please let me know. It would be great for hand quilting too.

I only have one quilt left to do this month and then I am taking the summer off so I won't be posting as frequently as I usually do.  I have a few of my own flimsy's ready to quilt and a few quilts ready to start piecing so I'll be posting those when they are done. I have my Mystery quilt to quilt but I think I'll wait until August to tackle that one :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Mystery Quilt #6

Here is Eileen Mystery Quilt and she wanted a simply pantograph design.  I recently ordered some new pantos and this one is called Starlight by Jodi Beamish.

I used a soft rose coloured thread to match the pink in the quilt.

Last night I was dyeing fabric for the background for a quilt I want to make this summer using a Bali Pop.
The colour turned out very well, I wanted a soft blue with a hint of green.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bargello Done...and a bit of Drama

Yesterday was guild day and we were knee deep in fabric with our Touch Quilt's but also managed to finish piecing our Bargello. Lori was determined to get his one finished and not even a trip to the emergency room could halt her determination.  Yes that's right, she added a bit of excitement to our guild day and here is the lesson learnt in her own words "Stop sewing when turning your head to make a smart remark to your friend.  If not you can sew through your finger and have said friend take you to emergency for an x-ray, an extraction of the broken needle and a tetanus shot!"   We were only at the hospital for an hour and she was a very good patient. :)

And I know your all she didn't even get a drop of blood on the quilt!

When we came back to the guild meeting she got back at the sewing machine and FINISHED the quilt!  
I told you she was determined!

Here it is all for my part but I'm not sure how to quilt it?   I'll happily take any suggestions you have as they made a motion to have me custom quilt it.  
This is our Quilt Show Raffle quilt for April 2012 so we want it to be special.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Bargello Tips

Last Tuesday I had a few guild members over to my place to start working on the guilds Bargello raffle quilt.  We were all surprised at just how much we got accomplished in 6 hours. The pattern we are using is called Surf Song designed by Eileen Wright.   I had all the fabrics cut into 2 1/2" strips before they came over and all labelled Fabric 1 to 24.  The pattern suggested making a sheet with all the fabric numbers and a sample of the fabric for a quick reference. That turned out to be very handy.

We had 3 sewing and were able to get all 7 tubes with 24 fabrics sewn together fairly quickly, once we all passed the quality control test and had everyone using the same weight of thread so the fabric tubes were coming out the same size.  We had two irons going and one person organizing.

Then I started cutting the tubes in widths according to the pattern but I came up with the idea to first printed out labels (yes I have to use labels or I would be lost).   Each label had the row number, the width the fabric strip that needed to be cut and the number of the fabric that will be at the top of that row.  I would grab a label and cut the 2 strips according to the size on it and then pin it to the strips. Our pattern called for two strips to make on complete row.  It was then sewn into a tube and picked apart ( looping and de-looping) at the top seam of the fabric numbers on the label.  Ta da....a row done.  I only cut one wrong and we only had a bit of picking to do when sewing the rows together. If you have made a Bargello you know how easily it is to make a mistake.

Here is a close up of the labels and rows 44 to 48 sewn together.

So a big THANK YOU to Audrey, Eileen, Gail, Robin and Lori for helping with the Bargello quilt.  I really enjoyed the day.
I kept 11 rows to loop and de-loop and probably to no ones surprise I have all the rows sewn together.
I can hardly wait to see this one finished!!!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Back from Camp Whitney

I just spent three days at Camp Whitney on Lake Athapapuskow with Daniel's Grade 6 class.  This is an annual trip that all the kids in Grade 6 and Grade 8's do each year.  I volunteered to help in the kitchen, my third time as I volunteered to cook when Andrew went to camp too.  But this time things went much smoother that the last time, you can read about that camp here. We had 5 other volunteers in the kitchen so that lightened the work and we all shared a cabin so we didn't have to bunk with 12 year old girls. We actually got some sleep!  We had time to play with the kids too. The picture above it of the kitchen and dining hall and the kids getting ready to play baseball.
The weather was cloudy with rain off and on but that didn't stop any of the activities as it was warm out.  Last time I went it was cold and rainy so I was glad to be in the kitchen by the wood stove that time.

The kids get to go fishing, canoeing, learn orienteering, go on a nature walk, and a good number of them when for a swim ...a very brief swim in the cold lake. 
I was able to join in on the kids nature walk, in the rain.

Saw a tree that had marking from a bear that had climbed it years ago.  The slices from his sharp claws scarred into the bark. It was really neat to see.

The kids had a sports night and played baseball, volleyball and soccer.

Then the next night was the Lumberjack competition.  Here is Daniel, in the red and black jacket, in the Sawing competition

and in the Log Pull competition.
The building behind them is one of the original building from the camp and it was the Nurses station. 

I really enjoy going to camp with the kids and had a great time with the other parents and teacher too.  Amazingly there were no injures, no one got sick and no one got lost or sent home for bad behaviour.  The mosquitoes and sand flies were fierce but that didn't stop anyone from having a good time.  We are a hardy northern bunch!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Winter-Wear Quilt

...but first my new bags are here!!!
The simple things in life make me happy and ordering new coloured 'thank you' bag for my customers is one of those simple things.
When I got my first set of burgundy bags I was in a silly mood and wrote a poem. I didn't get that same inspirations this time so if your interested you can read the original one here

Now to the quilt.

At our last quilt show we asked our members to make a Winter-Wear block and had everyone that visited  our show to vote on their favourite block.  We finally got around to sewing the blocks together into a quilt and I think I turned out to be a really fun quilt.
The winning block was Gail's 'Child on the toboggan'.

This is the block that Lori and I made together.

You may be wondering what a close up of a lady's legs in slippers and a flannel nightgown has to do with Winter-wear. Well we like to have some artistic play with our blocks, you know a little creative interpretation.
This maybe a Canadian thing...with the winters last so long here and no one ever seeing your legs for months.
Here is a close up.

Yup...those are hairy legs!!
And yes I stitch all those hairs.
(I used invisible smoky thread.)

Friday, June 10, 2011

A Secret About Raffle Quilts

If your part of a guild you know how much of a pain fundraising is but it is a necessary part of keeping a guild a float.  Our guild has discovered something that I thought I would share with you and hopefully this can help your guild.   Every November our town (population 5,000) has a craft sale weekend with two venues packed with local and out of town crafters.   I started renting a table at one of the venues with a friend years ago and we sold our fabric cards and quilted totebags and she made beautiful scrapbooking style cards (long before it was popular).  We had a lot of fun (even won best decorated table one year) but then my friend moved away. The next year I did a table by myself but it just wasn't the same.  The following year the guild decided to rent a table and sell tickets on our quilt show raffle quilt that would be drawn in April of the next year.  The ticket sales went okay.  The next year we were asked if we wanted to come back but we didn't have a raffle quilt but thought why don't we make a quilt to raffle at the craft sale.  Little did we know how brilliant this idea was.  We were not expecting the word " DRAWN TODAY" to have such an impact on ticket sales but it did.  People we more willing to open up there wallets knowing that that draw was that day then if it was drawn months away.  So that is my advise to other guilds, try a one day quilt raffle at a high traffic event and see how it goes.
So that brings me to this quilt, our next November Craft Sale raffle quilt made using the Perfect Ten pattern and Makin' New Friends fabric.

Anything with a snowman theme seems to sell well at these sales so I thought we could combine quilts and snowman and see if that came improve our ticket sales even more. I love this fabric collection.

I quilted it using the pantograph Flurry and off white Highlights thread to give it a bit of a shine.
Solid Kona Butter for the backing so you can see the quilting.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Mystery Quilt #5

Here is Marg's Mystery quilt and she used mostly batik fabrics.   Her colour choices really worked well on this mystery project and the focus stars in gold just shine.  This one has a masculine feel so we decided to go with the Whirlygig pantograph.  The batting is wool which give the quilting wonderful definition.

Last weekend our town hosted The Northern Juried Art Show and I entered one of my snow dyed fabric. I had Tim frame it with the hope of it selling and I had no idea what to price it at so asked $100 and it SOLD!! It actually sold before the show even started so I know I didn't over price it.
I found out who bought to so I could thank them and was happy to find out it was my son's Kindergarten teacher from years ago who we both adore!!  I'm so glad it found a good home.
This is the piece.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Hooked Feathers

This is Melba's Sampler quilt and my first attempt at Hooked Feathers in the outer border. I am use to just backtracking on the feathers so I had to practice drawing this one out until I got the right rhythm going.  It was fun to stitch so I think once I get my purple Hopscotch quilt pieced I'll try it as an all over meander.