
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bargello Done...and a bit of Drama

Yesterday was guild day and we were knee deep in fabric with our Touch Quilt's but also managed to finish piecing our Bargello. Lori was determined to get his one finished and not even a trip to the emergency room could halt her determination.  Yes that's right, she added a bit of excitement to our guild day and here is the lesson learnt in her own words "Stop sewing when turning your head to make a smart remark to your friend.  If not you can sew through your finger and have said friend take you to emergency for an x-ray, an extraction of the broken needle and a tetanus shot!"   We were only at the hospital for an hour and she was a very good patient. :)

And I know your all she didn't even get a drop of blood on the quilt!

When we came back to the guild meeting she got back at the sewing machine and FINISHED the quilt!  
I told you she was determined!

Here it is all for my part but I'm not sure how to quilt it?   I'll happily take any suggestions you have as they made a motion to have me custom quilt it.  
This is our Quilt Show Raffle quilt for April 2012 so we want it to be special.


  1. Stunning! I would love to own one like pretty. The rows remind me of waves in an ocean. Sorry to hear Lori had an accident...that would hurt! C

  2. It also looks like waves to me, and I would consider quilting it in keeping with the colours that flow diagonally through the quilt.

  3. It's gorgeous! I really want to make one.

  4. I never thought I liked bargello quilts (silly me) but yours is just stunning. It's beautiful. It makes me think of the Northern Lights.

  5. What a beautiful bargello! And I want to know what hospital that was!!! I cannot believe she had x-rays and a minor procedure and it all took only one hour! Never been in and out of an ER in less than 3 hours.

  6. Oh that would intimidate me! That is lovely...I had a hard time coming up with a quilt design for my bargello. I'm sure what ever you end up doing will look wonderful!

  7. Gorgeous!!! Love the flow of beautiful blues!!
