
Sunday, August 14, 2011


Had a great family vacation to the west coast of Oregon, Washington and B.C.
17 days, 7000 km of driving ( yikes!) and even though we had a great time it is so nice to be back home.
Hope to share some pictures of our trip ( and my fabric shopping!) once I get things organized around here.


  1. Welcome home! Imagine having a house on top of that....what gorgeous scenery! What would be a trip without bringing home some only wish those shops were about a block away. Waiting to hear about your adventures and see your new fabric. Rest up first. C

  2. Wow, what a gorgeous photo! Where exactly is that? It's always so nice to get away, but then it's so lovely to get home again. Fabric shopping?? Let's see, let's see! ; )

  3. Looks nice! Can't wait to hear about your shopping! Hope you made it to some of our favorite stores!

  4. Linda that picture was taken at the Cape Meares Lighthouse near Oceanside, Oregon.
