
Monday, October 3, 2011

New Adventure!

This weekend was our guilds retreat, we have them twice year and they are always a lot of fun.  I didn't accomplish too much as I have a cold and just couldn't focus on what I was doing so I mainly just ate and socialized.  I did manage to finish the first part of our guild Scrappy Squares quilt so that made me feel good. I also puttered at some curved piecing but that project can be saved for another retreat.

So I have some exciting news to share.   Back in July I got really bold and contacted the editor of Quilters Connection, the only quilting magazine being published in Canada, and asked if she would be interested in an article about Snow Dyeing.  She loved the idea and said it would be perfect for her winter issue.  After reading her reply I felt excited and terrified all at the same time...what have I gotten myself into. Then I realized  I can't write this article alone I need my dyeing cohort to join in this fun ... so Lori agreed to help :)

The only minor glitch was Lori was in the middle of moving and couldn't help until she was settled in her new home and could find her computer again.  So with two weeks until the deadline we got working on it, via emailing ideas back and forth, and finally came up with the finished product we were both happy with. This also made her moving away just a bit easier on me as we had a project to work on together and it was a lot of fun.

The next step was a scary one...sending the finished article to the editor. What would she think?  This is our first published article, would she get our sense of humour?   With this being in the "Show Me How" section of the magazine it is a step by step article and we didn't want it to be a boring read.  So when I got the reply from the editor saying "The article is great! I love your sense of humour" I could breath again. She liked it!!!

I'll be sure to let you know when the magazine comes out ;)


  1. It's always harder to work at anything when there is a deadline. Good going! Will be waiting to buy the magazine. Don't forget to buy and keep a copy for yourself! C

  2. Love the quilt...very eye catching! And congrats on the article!! How exciting! I'm sure it's going to be great, your really good with words!

  3. Congratulatons to yourself and Lori, though I am not surprised, your dying techniques produce fantastic results!

  4. Kathy, that's wonderful! You really should submit some of your photos with your article too ... you did such an absolutely fabulous job :) Congratulations to you and Lori!!

  5. How exciting to be published! :D

  6. Congratulations on your first publication! You have really inspired me to try snow dyeing this winter.

  7. I can't wait...snow dying is on my list for this winter's activities!

  8. Congratulations to you and Lori on your publication! Hey, the next one should be on the Mendalla snow dyeing method... not much printed on that one! And well, you two did such a great job! Really like the new guild project... scrappy squares look great! G

  9. Congratulations on your site reaching the 100th membership following...Wow! G
