
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Just To Be Different

As you can see I am still determined to take pictures of quilts on the dock, even if it is out of the water and covered in snow!  :)
We had a bit of snow this weekend so it is feeling like winter now. You can see the ice is starting to form on the outer edge of the bay.

You might remember me posting this quilt when I had the center done back in September. This is our guilds Scrappy Squares project and I now have the borders on.  Well I had the borders on then did some picking as I wasn't happy with how they were designed.  Since I had already sewn it together I did a quick fix and am much happier with it now. I didn't like how the original design has two squares together in the corners so I got rid of them and replaced them with more background, just to be different. :)
I'm expecting to see a few of these through my door next year.

What a difference in the landscape since I took the 'before' picture 3 weeks ago.
Now how to quilt it?


  1. I can't believe the snow you have!!!!!!!!!!!! Yikes. Can't wait to see you quilt your magic on that beautiful quilt.

  2. I love this, you make some fun quilts at your guild, it's a subtle change in the piceing but makes a big difference in the overall look...much like your weather

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  3. Beautiful! I love the 'extra' background in the corners - makes all the blocks and border squares stand out superbly!

  4. WOW!! Where did summer go! What fun pictures....the white snow really makes the quilt POP!!

  5. What a difference a few weeks made to the background.

  6. I love this quilt! It is beautiful!
