
Thursday, December 1, 2011

December Break

Today I spent the day sewing and I finished piecing Check out the Stars.
I am looking forward to this month as I take December off and do not take on any quilting jobs.   I get my longarm all to myself  :)  I now have 3 of my own quilt tops that need quilting and I'm also looking forward to snow dyeing again.

Speaking of snow dyeing the latest issue of Quilter's Connection will be out soon and Lori's and my article will  be in it!   Our article was mentioned on the cover.   A listing of where you can buy this magazine can be found here.

I also got a surprise in the mail yesterday, another package from my longarm buddy Desley in Australia.  I think she is trying to fatten me up and she is doing a good job!! If you look closely you see a jar of Vegemite, I have never tried it and was told was an acquired taste. So I gave it a go and spread some on a cracker. The smell was off putting at first but the taste wasn't offensive.  Then I gave some to my husband....his expression was priceless and I have never seen him run to the garbage can so fast to spit out food!  

She also sent a quilting pattern called Giant Dahlia by Michelle Yeo, it comes with acrylic templates for cutting. Love using these templates! It has curved piecing and the pattern looks quite complicated but I'm up for the challenge.  Thanks Desley....look for a package coming your way soon!  :)


  1. Your top is lovely. The border is beautiful. Who knew little skinny strips could be so striking.

  2. First of all..I LOVE your top!!!!!! I love the colors, I love the scrappy centers of the stars and I love the borders!!!! Second, what an awesome care package. Very sweet!!

  3. Oh, Kathy. Your quilt top takes my breathe away. This top is more than stunning. I can only imagine how totally awesome it will be once you have worked your quilting magic on it. A

  4. Kathy, I love this favorite colours, I can't wait to see it quilted!
    I am thinking, you could have a new occupation ad a freelance photographer for quilting magazines too...talking of magazines...wish we had Quilting Connections over here then I could say,'Did you see my friend Kathy in the quilting mag!'

    Best Wishes
    Kay in Scotland

  5. Who can resist a blue quilt and then it has stars! So pretty. Too funny about the vegemite...looks like there were some other treats that look more tasty.

  6. Wow! That's such a pretty quilt, Kathy. Really makes me want to make one, too. :)

    And good for you for taking December off from work quilts - smart to choose the potentially most-stressful month to do that, when customers would otherwise be begging to try to get one finished in time for Christmas gifting!

  7. Kathy, I am looking forward to your snow dying posts, and also to some snow so that I can create my own!

  8. This quilt really tickled my fancy! The colors are beautiful and the composition of stars and piano key borders are perfect.

  9. Kathy, as always Your blog is inspiring. The blue star quilt is beautiful, and the photography is as usual awesome. Can you please have your next article be about photographing quilts outdoors. With the bright snow back round and the sun one would expect over exposure and glare spots, How do you do it- its wonderful???

  10. Beautiful quilt - and what a yummy lot of Ausie food :)
