
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Scrappy Squares #2

Here is Lynn's Scrappy Squares quilt that our guild did as a fabric exchange project.  When I posted mine I called it the Scrappy Squares quilt but the guild called it the Paper Bag quilt... I'm sticking with Scrappy :) 

Lynn asked for my free hand water meander in the light background and I suggested CC's in the squares.  She used a dark border fabric in her's which really compliments the dark colored scrappy squares in the quilt.

If you read Desley's blog you'll see that we are both working on the Giant Dahlia quilt top...well I should say she is working on the quilt top, I've hit a road block with mine even before I started.   I can't deciding on what order to place my fabrics in my flower. As with most of my quilting projects this part takes the most time for me but once I make that decision I'm good to go.  
I bought my fabrics at Mama Bear's quilt shop in Ashern, Manitoba when we were down south over New Years.  I can't believe I never knew this shop existed as we drive through this town about 4 times a year!! And the boys didn't even complain waiting in the car as they discovered they were in a WiFi hotspot!  Talk about good luck!
 What fabric did I pick....well let's just say she had a lot of Stonehenge fabric in her shop!!


  1. A fun quilt design. Making decisions about fabric choices are the most challenging part of the process to me.

  2. Необычная стежка!

  3. comme d'habitude des photos superbes dans ce décor immaculé et j'aime beaucoup le quilting méandre d'eau félicitations

  4. Hi Kathy!
    The quilt & quilting look great!
    Do you use a template for your CC's?

    Jenny, Melbourne, Australia

  5. Jenny - I do my CC's free hand, it goes very quickly that way. The trick is to look ahead to the corner of the square your aiming for and not where your needle it.
