
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Feather Wreath

This is Valery's quilt and she said I could quilt it however I wanted to!  Those snowball blocks were a perfect spot for a feathered wreath. I used a stencil for the wreaths and marked it on with my Pounce tool. I love how that chalk just irons off.

I had fun free hand feathering the outer border.

Love the solid fabric on the back, it really shows off the quilting.


  1. Looks gorgeous!! I love all those feathers. I really like how you quilted the outer border. Turned out awesome!!

  2. Beautiful quilting - love the back.

  3. Your quilting is an inspiration to all of long arm quilters. Just beautiful.

  4. I just love those feathered wreaths and wondered what chalk you used in your pounce. I only have white that will iron off. Take care.

  5. SO very pretty. I love the way the continuous curves in the squares form a circle around the wreath, without having to do any SID.
