
Saturday, April 28, 2012

Just Takes 2 - Part 8

Here is part 8 of the Just Takes 2 project.  I am happy to report I got all my blocks done before May 1st when the next set of instructions come out.  Part 7 had included the layout for the set of blocks done up to that point and I just now got around to laying them out to take a look at how it is shaping up.   You can see I have a hole in mine...that one block is suppose to be hand pieced and is still waiting to be made.  I think seeing this all laid out might just motivate me to get it done.

I'm not sure where my recent blocks will go in the layout but here they are with the rest of them.
The jury is still out whether I like this project or not.  I'm definitely working out of my comfort zone color wise and I usually don't like to make sampler quilts!  But I really like to try new things and it is using up a lot of my hand dyed scraps so I won't judge it until it is all done.


  1. Wow! Very fun to see them all together. I love the orange block!

  2. Looking good Kathy, I think I will pick up some kona white when we are in Winnipeg

  3. The solids are so fun looking! I am a sucker for star blocks and yours are no exception! Beautiful!

  4. Looks fantastic so far Kathy. I must say your piecing is very precise... is it foundation pieced?

  5. Yes the orange block has some foundation piecing. The blocks are a mix of so many different techniques.
