
Saturday, May 19, 2012

Presidents Blocks

At our guild meeting on Tuesday, my first meeting as Past President, I was very excited to be given my "President's Blocks".   Last year I was asked what pattern and fabric theme would I like for my blocks so I asked for a Jewel Box block ( just 1/4 of it) and made with bright/dark batiks.  I picked out a light batik for the background and this was given to the members to use and they added the batiks.  I wanted it to have a scrappy look.

I had to play with the blocks today and this is how it looks all laid out.  I LOVE IT!!!  Thank you to all the guild members that made a block for me, I will cherish this quilt forever.  I hope to have this quilt put together and quilted by the end of the summer.

So on Wednesday I drove 520km to visit my friend Lori for a few days.  She use to live here but moved away last fall so it was great to just spend a few days with her.  We dyed fabric like mad women and experimented with some new dye colors.  Then we designed a Mystery quilt that we will present to both our guilds.  As many of our guild members know we are both very opinionated with the way we approach our quilting and our methods are usually very different. It is a total mystery how we work together so well but I will say that we are pretty proud of the project we created and our friendship is still intact. :)   We will have the Mystery Quilt fabric requirements ready for the next meeting for those that are wanting to shop for their fabrics soon.

We dyed 28 pieces of fabric....and I left one in her dryer so I am one short. 


  1. Your President's quilt is going to be gorgeous, Kathy. What a lovely stack of dyed fabrics. Which one is your favorite?

  2. Such lovely blocks! Can't wait to see how you quilt it. I have a Jewel Box quilt of my own waiting to quilt, so I will definitely be watching for inspiration.

  3. Kathy, the colors in your President's quilt tell a great story of the guild members' favorite colors. It will be a special quilt for you and I can't wait to see how you finish it with your creative Longarm quilting. Great fun dyeing fabric with Lori and goodness! a great assortment! Did you use the Kona fabric for dyeing? G

  4. Love the presidents blocks! What a fabulous idea! Can't wait to see how your quilt it...

  5. What gorgeous presidents blocks, the colours and really lovely. I too will not be able to stand the suspense to see how you quilt this one. Sounds like you had fun with your friend and the dyeing results are so pretty. Your stash must be growing!!
    Linda in Cooks Creek, MB
