
Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekend Retreat!

 I have been trying the last couple of days to get a picture of the loons that have returned. I had to hide behind the trees so they wouldn't dive under and swim away, they usually are not so shy. You can see another pair in the open water in the distance.

This weekend I am going to a quilting retreat at Baker's Narrows Lodge.  I have only ever been to our guild retreats which were just during the days and then you go home at night. But at this retreat we get to stay overnight in the cabins and have our meals prepared!!  And if I forget anything the lodge of only 5 minutes from my house so it isn't far to run home and get! I am looking forward to meeting new quilters from the other surrounding towns as there will be 25 of us.
The only down side to this weekend is I pinched a nerve in my back on Tuesday and it is still bothering me.  Can you believe it happened when I threw a teabag in the garbage can....WHAM...I couldn't move!  I can't believe I got knocked down by a teenie weenie teabag....seriously...why not when I was raking the yard or helping Tim put the dock in water!!  How embarrassing!

Anyway here are my two projects I am going to work on at the retreat and that will put me in a better mood.  I hope to have two complete tops to show you on Monday!


  1. Have a great weekend - I hope your back doesn't bother you too much. It looks like you have some lovely projects to work on.

  2. Hope your back better in the weekend ..
    Enjoy lots of ladies, fabrics and sewing marskinen.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. The first photo IS Canada to me. 20 years ago we visited family friends in Ottawa, and spent a couple of days at their shack on Lac des Iles, and I remember paddling on the lake, chasing the loons!

  4. j'ai hâte de voir le résultat des tissus coupés ,je constate que le climat change sur vos photos ,mais j'aime tout particulièrement vos photos sur la neige.

  5. Great photo of your lake and the Loons, Kathy! I love to hear their call travel across the lake, it's always such a thrill. I love the fabrics you've chosen as your projects and look forward to seeing the results on Monday. Take care of your back, my friend. I feel your pain! Seems like the simpliest things and just hit so hard. I can't think of a better way to make a recovery, but on a retreat!
