
Friday, June 22, 2012

Reading Instructions!

It is very normal for me to change my mind when I'm planning a quilt, especially when it comes to picking the fabrics. Yesterday I decided to actually READ the quilting book I bought and discovered a new way at looking at fabric. I have a tendency to want to match and blend my color perfectly but that doesn't always work. So I want to work outside my comfort zone and mix fabrics that don't initially call to me but work well together and I think I have a better grasp of color values. For this project I needed to avoid extremely dark and light values in this quilt and created a light, medium and dark groupings to achieve the transparency look.

So I spent yesterday dyeing more fabrics and came up with the above mix. I needed more medium and dark values than what I had shown in the last post to make the quilt look more like the pattern picture, which is what I am hoping to achieve.  I am much happier with it now and will start cutting into it today, really I am!
 I'm sure I'll switch a few more fabrics around but I think I'm on the right track now.

 Here is all the extra fabric that I dyed but am not using, I guess this was a good way to build my stash!


  1. Beautiful fabrics! The quilt you are making from this is beautiful too.

  2. Once you get the transparency quilt idea down pat, let me know as I have always admired them.
