
Thursday, June 7, 2012

What Could It Be?

Tim and I just got back from an evening paddle, it is so nice to get back into our kayaks! I took my camera and got a few pictures.

I had a lot of fun reading your guesses in my last post on what the helicopter was doing.  We live in an active mining region so think prospecting by air!   Only one guess was correct and that was Sherry's guess, she said "looking for deposits of ore or oil".  Not oil but most definitely ore.   The helicopter was doing an airbourne geophysical survey using VTEM ( Versatile Time-Domain Electromagnetic), click here if you want to understand it more. Basically the equipment under the helicopter is used to search for anomalies (ore deposits) deep under the ground.  Wonder if they found anything under my house?


  1. Sherry...what a smarty pants!!! :-) lol. I think my answer was reasonable. Ha! Lol

  2. yep...that is why we have google...with google images...guessed they were looking for something and then google did the rest...

  3. let's just hope they didn't find anything worth mining or your new house won't be anymore...

  4. That was super interesting! Very fun! Thanks so much for sharing. I also checked out Terri at Threadtales and really enjoyed seeing her beautiful quilts as well, thanks for the link.
