
Monday, October 1, 2012

Don’t Blink….

...or you might  just miss the Fall colors. 
We have a very short Fall season as it usually goes from Summer to Winter in a few weeks.  The leaves turn color and fall off within a week or two.   I wanted to enjoy the fall colors so went to the local scenic tower that over looks Lake Athapapuskow.  The birch trees are getting bare but the poplars are still a brilliant yellow.
DSCF7858 DSCF7853
I finally figured out how to watermark my photos.  I found a program on my computer called Windows Live Writer so I connected it to my blog and I am actually writing my post from this program and not in Blogger.  Fingers crossed it works and all my pictures are where I arranged them!


  1. Of course I know just what you is looking too much like winter with very few leaves on our trees!

  2. How beautiful, I did not realize that you have such a short fall, but i do remember from your previous blogs that you usually get snow by the end of October! We are just in the begining of fall here, the colors are usually just spectacular. This is my favorite time year!

  3. The colors of fall always inspire me with a mixed palette of different autumn shades for my next quilt. Beautiful pictures! G

  4. Kathy
    What awesome amazing fall colours! Wow. Just gorgeous. And how strenuous was the climb up to take these photos?? Thank you for sharing these photos!
    By the by, what did you think of the latest Doctor Who episode... good-by to Amy Pond and Rory the Centurian? Humm, kinda makes me want to figure out a Dr Who quilt pattern :)

  5. Oh Kathy, The photos from the scenic tower bring back so many memories of when we used to live at Bakers Narrows. We lived only several minutes away; walked through the park and up the tower countless times. Yes, we have a short fall; after today's rain and breeze our Birch in Flin Flon have only a few leaves dangling!
    Time to pour the hot chocolate!
