
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Infinity Scarves

I have been taking a new Craftsy class called The Art of Cloth Dyeing with Jane Dunnewold.  I am really enjoying this class and thought I would try a few of her tips when I dyed some Infinity Scarves this weekend using my regular Low Immersion Dyeing method.   There are two things I am doing differently now and am really happy with the results.    I am now mixing the soda ash, salt ( regular salt, not the non-iodized) and water and then use that water mixture to add to the dye powders.  That is a real time saver when it comes to the mixing stage.  Then she also recommend to use Blue Dawn to wash out the fabrics at the end and that worked well too. 
So 4 years ago today I wrote my first blog post and had just begun my adventures into longarm quilting for a business.  I had to go back to reread that first post and glad to see I’ve improved my blogging skills over the years :)   Actually I feel it is more that I found my voice and style of blogging and figuring out what I want the focus of my blog to be.   I’m glad you have found my blog and I enjoy the emails and comments you send me.  Now I am going to do something sneaky and see if I can get a few more of you to reach out and say HI!  Yes I’m going to have a Giveaway….which is really a bloggers way of meeting who is reading their blog and a great way to thank them!  Well that’s the reason I have them twice a year and that is why I didn’t put the word Giveaway in the title of this post, I want this to be for my readers, not some random person looking for a giveaway.    So please do not blog about this giveaway, thanks!
You may have guessed by now I will be giving away one of my Infinity Scarves that are made of a Bamboo Jersey Knit.  The winner can pick the color they like and if I get a good response I might draw for more than one.
So here is how this giveaway will work:
First Entry - Leave a comment and tell me which color you would like. If you can’t decide right now that’s okay.   It would also be fun if you could tell me the coldest temperature you have ever experienced.  I’ll share mine at the bottom of this post.
Second Entry –Leave a second comment letting me know you are a follower or a new follower. 
You can comment anonymous but you need to leave your name and email so I can contact you.  If you use your blogger account make sure you not a ‘no-reply blogger’.  If your not sure you can email me after leaving your comment and I can let you know.  My email is
   I’ll mail international so anyone can enter and I’ll make the draw on Friday January 18.
Good luck and I’m curious which color will be the most popular choice.
So here is my coldest day that I can remember ...and that didn’t included the windchill.  I’m sure it felt like –50’c that day and I would estimate that the thermometer was reading –42’c.   I believe this was in 2008 and the kids still went to school…they have never had a snow day to there dismay!
cold I’m sure I have a few Alaska or Yukon readers that can bet this!

*Giveaway now closed*


  1. My daughter loves purple, so I would choose that color for her. Your work is lovely!

  2. I have been following your blog for about a year. I also have a longarm...I am in awe of your feathers! And I love the Urban Elementz pantos, thanks for sharing your work.

  3. the puprle is lovely - and even though I usually jump for green, that's not my green.

    You ask for temps - I can't compete with you one them - If we havea normal winter (which we don't have this year) we get a few weeks of -25 to -30°C in January (taht's roundabout -14/15 to -22°F accoridng to the converter) - so not really anything to worry about .. Oh and that's day tmeps - not night - I'm sure there is a chart somewhere but I don't go out at night in that weather if I don't have to - and once it hit's -20°C there isn't really a difference - it's just damn cold and you better put on a lot of clothing.

  4. And yes of course I am a follower - so I have to admit, there is just so much I can say about all the quilts you quilt and the fabric you dye ... I'm just not really competent in that area as I do neiter nor. Well I do quilt but that's more playing aroud than pursuing the perfect patterns ... But I do enjoy the change in the background for the quilts, form winter to summer to winter again - the first "on the ice" shot is always special.

  5. I love the creamy yellow scarf....even though blue is usually my favorite. Coldest day would be around 15 degrees and that was 3 or 4 years ago....that's really cold for SC to endure. I so love seeing all the great photos and your quilting is inspiring.

  6. I'm a follower and have enjoyed your blog for a short while. I like the way you focus on your style and feature your customer quilts....variety is great.

  7. Hi Kathy. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. I've been following you for a while now. I love your quilting and your picture taking! I was wondering if that last shot with the house in the background is your house? If so it's beautiful there even if it is cold! I love seeing the parade of quilts you post. I've had my longarm for about a year and a half and just started quilting for others. I'm not going to jump in the drawing, but wanted you to know that I love your blog!

  8. congratulations on your blog anniversary! i like the blue..and the purple..well, all of them. and the coldest day? i can't remember. they all meld together - although the last few years here in Southern Ontario are certainly the most memorable in terms of how cold they are no!!

  9. Love the scarves. If I had to choose the blue one would be my favorite.

  10. and i am a follower. i started following you through the last Bloggers Quilt festival. I particularly like the pictures you take of your quilts on snow and ice. it seems appropriate.

  11. I signed up to follow today. Have your blog on my sidebar as a favorite. Forgot to put the coldest temp. I've ever been in earlier. I think it was around 7F. Not so bad.

  12. Green or purple! Would love to have one, thanks!

  13. I am a follower, I love your quiltin!

  14. That is COLD!!!! My coldest experience was -24F degrees, which I found out after walking two and half miles through a good 12" snow dump to get to a 7am college class. It was the only time the campus ever shut down due to weather, and only because the generators went down and couldn't produce heat for the buildings. The library dude took pity on me and the handful of others and let us get what warmth we could before walking back to my apartment. It wasn't fun!

    oh - I love that blue! And how sweet of you to give one away. :)

  15. I'm a follower :) Keep you on my blogroll

  16. Love the pink!! I have been a frequent reader of your blog, but have never commented before.

    Being from Wisconsin, I have seen -20.

  17. I really like the purple scarf, but the yellow one is very nice also. I think about -34 is the coldest temp. that I can remember.

  18. I have been following your blog since our guild was fortunate enough to have your friend Lori join us. Your work is spectacular, and the photography and scenery is almost enough to make me enjoy winter!

  19. i love the purple and the red and the blue.....actually all of them :)
    i think the coldest has been in the -40's with wind chill factor.
    i enjoy the blog and lovely quilts you share.

  20. What an awesome giveaway Kathy!!!! I LOVE those scarves!!! You are a dyeing expert!!! The colors are so rich! I am wearing a scarf as I write this!! LOL!!! Whenever I quilt in the winter, my studio has limited heat...I wear a hat and scarf!!!! Not sure I have even blogged about that one! LOL!!! You know I am not a fan of cold!! I am not sure what the temp was but my Freshman year in college was terrible cold. They even cancelled classes one day. First time ever in the school's history. Really broke my heart!! :-) I call this kind of cold...booger freezing cold...cuz it is!!! HA!!!!
    I love the purple but it was really hard to decide! Beautiful work!

  21. I am a staunch follower of your blog and love and read and see what you do ..
    I like the red or the green .. no i like all .. Smiles ..
    Today I `-22 c outside and sun .. Very nice winter weather in Norway ..

  22. It is hard to choose, but I think the purple scarf is my favorite in this group. And Jane D is the queen of dyeing! Love her and her methods, her books, her DVD's and her blog is great if you haven’t discovered it yet.

    The lowest temp I have experienced was -54 in Goose Bay, Labrador - that would be with the wind chill.

  23. Kathy, thanks for the tip on your new dying method. I will try it next time I dip into my dyes. Really like the purple! As for the coldest temperature... being a Northern Mb. gal I would have to say I was on the same page as you in the -40's.

  24. I enjoy your blog for the beautiful photos you take of the quilts and area outside your home. Your blog keeps me up to date on the weather at all times while I am away. Great tutorials as well! Thanks Kathy for being such a great blogger!

  25. Beautiful scarves! Purple is my favorite color to wear so that will be my choice if I'm so lucky. My coldest would be around 30 below.

  26. I'm a follower and love your blogging style!

  27. Love the blue one! My husband just gave me my birthstone in a ring and necklace that match perfectly!

  28. Forgot to add coldest temps. was probably 0 but I've lived in Arizona most of life so I don't see that very often. "Cold" right now for us is 30 degrees F in the morning which is highly unusual!

  29. Love the blue! And I'm a Florida girl. I didn't see snow until a freak storm in Washington D.C. when I was visiting family during the university break. It was maybe in the high 20s? Don't know for sure.

  30. I'm a follower. Don't like the letters to type in. Must be losing my eyesight. I never get it right the first time:)

  31. I love the yellowish one but all the colors are gorgeous! My lowest temp is -20f. Too cold for me!

  32. Congratulations on the bloggaversary - time goes fast!
    I love all the colours, but am partial to the pink/red one at the end.
    I think the coldest temperature I have experienced is about the same as yours. A few years ago I remember waking up and hearing on the radio that we were the coldest place on earth! Maybe that was with the windchill too, but shocking none the less.

  33. I like them all. But maybe the green one. The coldest temp would be about -5 (it doesn't get so cold were I am)

  34. I am a follower. Maybe I need to change my mind and say the blue one. I can't decide. They all are beautiful.

  35. i am a to see the quilts and and lake summer and winter

  36. congrats on 4 years...i love your blog...any colour would do

  37. I love the soft yellow, although the purple is calling my name!

  38. I've followed you for about 6 months now I think. I bought a long arm last winter and just started quilting for other people this last fall. I love quilting, and I love to see all the beautiful quilts you work on. Keep posting beautiful pics. I'm from Oklahoma, so it's hard for me to compete with the coldest, which was probably on -6f. But I bet I can run a pretty good race for the hottest, at 119f.

  39. The colors are lovely, but I must admit I love purple in any shade. I love the dying hint, I do dye fabric the odd time. The coldest temperature I can remember was in the -40s F. I would love to win something that you did. Cynthia

  40. I am definitely a follower of yours since you started blogging. I always look forward to seeing your beautiful creations.

  41. My favorite color is purple so that is the one I would pick. Although they are all beautiful.

  42. I am a new follower, but have been checking your blog out for years. Trina brought you to my attention.

  43. Hi Kathy, the scarves are beautiful! Picking a color would be a tough decision but, the red looks like it is calling my name!!

  44. I have to admit I follow your weather almost every day,( its on my fav's thru the Weather Channel) I can't believe how cold it gets! The coldest I remember is -10, pretty whimpy compared to Flin Flon. Love your blog, and I think I might try some fabric dyeing. Thanks for the inspiration.

  45. Love the blue scarf. I'm a regular reader.....don't have a blog of my own, but find yours very interesting....especially the dyeing....your quilts on the snow/ice are beautiful....

  46. Ooh, I love the purple one, it looks delicious. My coldest temperature is -2 degrees C, which is about 29 degrees F. Not cold by Canada's temperatures at all.

  47. I have been a follower for a little while now. I love seeing what you create, and how beautiful the landscape is around your area. Not being fond of the cold, especially the snow factor, your blog has made me see colder climates in a whole new light. Thank you for continuing to share your love of quilting and your beautiful area with us.

  48. The scarves are beautiful. I think my favorite is the red one. I love your quilting and photography. I read your blog regularly.

  49. I love the purple scarf

    The coldest temperature I remember in this area, which is where you presently live as well is -53. That is true temperature not wind chill.

  50. Hi Kathy,

    I like the green scarf, but they are all such lovely colors, it is hard to decide. The coldest weather I can remember is -38,

  51. I am a follower ever since I purchased a longarm, just over a year ago. I enjoy looking at your quilting for inspiration. Karen -

  52. I like the green one best but the purple or fuschia one would work into my wardrobe better and would match my hair.
    The day after we were married in Regina Saskatchewan, Dec 29, 1966, was -54 F according to a thermometer attached to a store.( But there was no wind.) . Our wedding day was 40 below with a blizzard blowing. That's cold.

  53. I have thought about taking that craftsy class too. Looking at your results I might just have to have a go. I like the purple or green colour.

  54. I forgot to mention the coldest temperature I have experienced. Originally from the UK, we don't get it that cold. So probably whilst skiing this weekend at apparently -8 deg C ! Ha, not so cold compared to you! :)
    I have been following you for a few months now since finding the needle and thread network blog. I also have you listed on my blog. I like that it tells me when people have posted something new.
    Your quilts and quilting are something to inspire and aspire to!

  55. I love the purple! Thanks for the giveaway.

  56. I like the purple - or maybe the pink!
    I'm in the UK and we don't really get very cold weather - we do get a lot of rain though!!

  57. Bonjour,
    bon anniversaire pour votre blog et surtout longue vie à celui ci car je suis une fidèle lectrice admirative de votre travail et aussi de vos photos sur ces paysages enneigés. Ma couleur préférée est le bleu et pour ce qui est du froid la température la plus basse depuis que je suis dans le région c'est à dire en bretagne est peut être de -10°c c'est normal car je suis au bord de la mer
    bon courage pour la lecture de tout ces messages amicalement martine

  58. Since I found your blog - maybe three months ago? - I've been a daily follower. I love the way you photograph on the ice and snow during the winter. You share so much and it's a pleasure to see your work and read your entries. My choice would be blue or red. My lowest temp was -10F.
    Maggie in Arizona

  59. Thank you, again, for being so generous with your incredible work. A blog I look forward to and am disappointed if you take a day off. :)
    Maggie in Arizona

  60. I have been following you for several months now. I love the pictures you show and I have tried to improve my picture taking because of you. My favorite color is green. The lowest temperature I can remember is -14 in Colorado several years ago. I have a longarm machine and hope to some day start a business. Thanks for sharing. Cindy in UT USA.

  61. Oh I love the scarves-blue's my fav color so that made it easier! I can't remember a specific coldest temp but probably around 0. I would be staying indoors of course!
    Congratulations on 4 years of blogging and quilting for others! Time flies!

  62. I love the purple. And the coldest day I can remember was probably around -18'F. Pretty darn cold for the midwest.

  63. Kathy, I have been reading your blog for a long time, but now I am an official follower.

  64. I have been reading your blog for a little over a year since a co-worker told be about it. Although I don't yet own a long arm machine, I just love seeing the beautiful work that you do on both your own and your clients quilts. Although I can't beat your coldest temperature, it does get cold here in northern Alberta. The coldest I've experienced is -34 C and I didn't stay outdoors for long! I am a "purple lover" so I would love that scarf.

  65. Morning Kathy!
    Don't you just love Craftsy! Sounds like you are really enjoying the class. It's amazing the tips you can pick up, even as a seasons veteran, there is always more to learn. My favourite Infinity Scarf colours would be the purple or the blue. Soooo pretty!
    I had to do some research to see what the coldest temperatures we have had in Cooks Creek and I discovered in the winter 1996 it was -41.8 with windchill making it feel like -57.1. Brrrr, good day to stay snug as a bug and quilt!

  66. You know, I honestly can't remember when I first started to follow your blog. I remember meeting you on the forum and so happy to see another Canadian, and fellow Manitoban. It must be a few years now. So I'm an OLD follower, who checks you out almost daily! Blog on! :-)

  67. Hi Kathy - I'm waaaaay too late for the giveaway, but I'll answer anyway. I love the yellow scarf, not normally "my colour" but so beautiful in your photo. I started following your blog about a year ago and check daily for updates. I've since started a small blog of my own.

    Thanks for the inspiration and the amazing photos of Northern Manitoba. My coldest temperature experienced is likely similar to yours (I'm in Winnipeg), about -50C with the windchill, we usually get a day or two in January at -40 before the windchill :( Iwas hoping for a snow day last week but the blizzard didn't hit until Friday night. Made getting around on Saturday slow.

    Have a great day!


  68. Hi Kathy, I love the light blue infinity scarf. And last night's temperature was -23F (-45F wind chill). We set a record yesterday for the cold temps.

  69. I have been a follower for some time. Love your blog.

  70. Hard to pick a colour. But I think I would pick the blue and green one and give it to my sister who is not well. Blue and green are her favorite colours.
    I think I was away when you got the -42c but there were lots of other days close that that.

  71. I've been following you since you started. Your work is beautiful

  72. Just beautiful scarves. I would love any of them. As for coldest temp, I would guess somewhere in the -30F temp as I live in northern Wisconsin. Thanks

  73. I have been a follower for a few years now. I used your instructions to try snow dying last winter. Want to do some again this year but am waiting for more snow. I also have made several of your microwave bowl holders as prizes for our guild Christmas party. Thanks for the informative blog.

  74. They are all beautiful, I really like the pink one....The coldest temp I have been through is 9 degrees.....Thanks for the giveaway, your quilting is awesome!

  75. I have followed you for a couple of years to see your quilts and the snow dying....

  76. Loving the pink but the purple is right up there. From central MN. so we have had some cold days-nights, I just don't have the numbers.

  77. Follower! Found you on APQS & wanted to read more, and have read all of your back blogs. You are one of three that I check 3-4 times a week. Thanks for all of the wonderful photos of your quilts & quilting.

  78. I love the yellow. I think I've loved yellow from the time I was born.

  79. As you know since I have bugged you unmercifully for advice on snow dying that I have been a follower for awhile.

  80. I would enjoy either the purple or the scarlet.
    Lowest temp I have experienced is
    -27 f

  81. I just found your blog today, lucky me. I will be subscribing.
    I am also a LA Quilter, but further south in Montana

  82. I am a follower of your blog for awhile now. I think it must be fun to create things with dye- something that I have not experimented with.
    Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway.
    Happy New Year,

  83. You asked the coldest temperature - here in Alberta it probably has been -40+ doesn't matter whether it is centigrade or fahrenheit.. It is very cold especially with the wind chill.
    My favorite color the purple or the pink but right now I would have a hard time choosing which right now.
    Your winner is going to absolutely love it when you choose their name.
    Regards from Alberta,

  84. I only recently discovered your blog but I wouldn't miss to see what you have been quilting. Also love the fact that you use the lake for your photos.

  85. Oh, I love the green one! You'll probably laugh at my coldest temperature; it's about -8C. However, I likely have most people beat when it comes to highest - just last week it reached 45C here; very upleasant!

  86. I love these scarves...maybe drawn toward the coral, but all are so real. The coldest that I remember (I live in NW Minnesota) is -34F.

  87. I have your blog bookmarked...maybe 4 years or so. I have to say of all of the blogs I follow you use the best creativity so far as displaying your it!

  88. Love the blue green one. +4 this morning so makes one forget all the cold days. Rae

  89. Proud to be a charter follower. Rae

  90. Hi Kathy....I am loving that deep purple coz purple is my favorite colour of all and

    Best wishes, Kay in Scotland

  91. And of course you know I am already a

  92. Oh and I think the lowest temperature that I have experienced is a balmy

    Kay in Scotland

  93. My favorite colour is blue or forest green. The coldest temperature I've experienced was -55 C, while visiting a friend in Mayo, Yukon in Feb, 1990.
    Sandra S

  94. I've been following your blog since you began. So wonderful to get to see and touch so many of them.
    Sandra S

  95. Hi Kathy,
    Congrats on your blogging anniversary. I love the purple but would love to have any color of scarf. I love your blog and regularly check to see what you are up to. Love your pictures winter and summer and have found inspiration on your blog regarding long arm quilting and dyeing. It's so much fun to see how you photograph the quilts on the ice. I live in WA state and remember when it got to be about 5 degrees F. Way too cold for me!

  96. Hi Kathy,

    I'm a follower and have been for about 2 years. It's so fun to scroll through the comments and recognize some of the other bloggers I follow that follow you too.

  97. I read your blog with pleasure! Inspired quilt, your skill and excellent photographs. Thank you for your work!
    Like the red scarf -))
    Often in our area (western Ukraine) winter here
    This temperature
    Although there are winter that reaches up to -30 ... brrr! -)

  98. I love to read your blog and see your quilts on the ice and all the beautiful scenery. You are a very creative quilter! I live near San Francisco and we're all complaining about how cold it has been the last few days--only in the low 50's F during the day. What a bunch of wimps we are! Coldest that I have been in was -4 F in Utah.

  99. Wow! Kathy, you make it very difficult to choose a favourite colour. They all look great. I'll choose the purple as a favourite. As for the coldest temperature? I would have to say around -45C but with the windchill it was probably into the -50's. I was Skyping last winter with some gals from Florida. Even though we had a mild winter, they were intrigued with the cold temperatures but dare not come up for a visit!
    I've been aware of your blog for about 2 years. I've been a more serious follower since FAll-2012 and have greatly appreciated the photos and creativity. You and other quilters have been a great encouragement to me as I attempt to return to my sewing table!
    Oh, and the scenic photos are very much appreciated by my husband, Dan & I. You really had him searching to make sure that was a mink? LOL

  100. Hello,
    Coldest temp...probably -35C but that was years I live on the west coast and I think cold is below freezing. :-) I can appreciate the stories of snow filled boots as that was part of my childhood.



  101. Hello again,
    Have been following for a year or so.
    Absolutley love your quilting.

    Sandra K

  102. I just found your blog today I love the green-blue one. I guess the coldest tem would be about 15 degrees below zero. I have been checking your blog and I really enjoy it thank you for sharing.

  103. I live in middle Georgia, so it doesn't get very cold here! The coldest I have ever experienced was 8 degrees in the mountains of Tennessee on a vacation trip.
    I would love the blue scarf! Thanks for your generosity. Love your blog.

  104. Blogger #200 reporting. I have been one of your first blog visitors and enjoy visiting almost every day. I am really glad I took the step to become a follower as your posts are always informative, your photography artistic, your piecing and quilting inspiring, and your humour appreciated. Your dyeing experience produced some beautiful scarves. Being born and raised a Manitoban I have felt some pretty chilly temperatures. The one I remember most vividly was when I was a young student. It was -54 degrees F (before Celsuis was used in Manitoba) and I am not sure whether that was with the wind chill factor or not. It doesn't really matter anyway as wind chill factor is calculated differently now. My mum bundled me up in long johns, leotards, a pair of regular pants, a pair of lined pants, multiple sweaters, hats, mitts,scarves, a lunch to eat at school (a real novelty for me) and sent me off. I fairly waddled, rolled, to school. Today my mum would probably be brought up before the authorities. I thought I wouldn't wear all my clothes home and what a mistake! Should I be the fortunate one, I would pick the scarf in blues. A

  105. I live in Alaska, the coldest I have seen is -63 for three days in a row, without any wind chill...and we were without indoor plumbing at the time:-)
    I definitely like the purple scarf!

  106. I am a new follower, I found this blog today thanks to Pinterest, and it looks like fun. I love free motion quilting, I teach classes at a local quilt shop. I also have a blog if you want to know who I am:-)
    I really love the outdoor photos!

  107. Hi Kathy - I'm a new follower here from the APQS Facebook page. Your quilting is beautiful and I'm always trying to improve my FMQ on my domestic machine (no longarm :(
    Anyhow, thanks for the great posts especially where you can see your awesome quilting...


  108. BTW: Love the infinity scarves! I made some from cotton to give away for Christmas - they are such fun. Your dyeing is fabulous... I especially like the fuchsia scarf. I don't believe I've ever been out in temps colder than 5 below... Yikes...

  109. Your fabric is awesome. I love the purple, but the pink is a close second. I'm wondering what type of dye are you using? I'm afraid if I started dying fabric I'd never get back to quilting! I love your blog. It was recommended by "Simply Delighting". Right now I'm busy reading your back posts. Thanks!
