
Sunday, February 17, 2013

Winter Walk

We woke up to more snow today and now my path to my patch of ice is all blown in.  Guess I have a bit of shoveling to do but I’ll wait until the snow stops falling.  Glad Tim and I took our bush walk yesterday as the snow was already pretty deep to be trudging though.  It was only –5’c so no more excuses that it was too cold, we needed to get outside for some exercise.   And was it ever a work out!!
First we have to make our way across a small opening from the road to the bush, the snow was thigh deep. We were huffing and puffing by the time we got to the start of our trail!  Definitely more snow than the last time we walked this trail.

walk4walk6walk2 walk3
Someone had commented a few posts ago about what I wear when I’m out taking my quilting pictures… this is it…just add a scarf.   I had to take my scarf off at this point as I was just sweating and hot in all that winter gear but need it to keep the snow out of our boots and from going down our backs .  Nothing can wake you up more than snow falling off the trees and going down the back of your neck!  



  1. Now I know! Thank you for sharing. It all looks so lovely. Are there any critters around? I also wonder what people do in this snowed in area to make a loving. I know you are tucked up at home quilting but I wonder how the rest of your family go on. How do your children get to school and DH to work?

  2. when I lived in Idaho and Wisconsin years and years ago I remember walking all over the place in the snow - now in Arkansas for the past 30 years I'm afraid I have gotten spoiled and it would be hard to walk in all that snow - of course if I had the right winter wear maybe I could do it! Beautiful country you live in

  3. Wow, those photos are brilliant! I can't even imagine snow that deep being a regular thing. Even in the areas classified as alpine here in Australia, I'm not aware it ever gets that deep. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Love your hat :) Yep, that's a lot of snow!

  5. superbe photo kathy tu as l'air radieuse et le bonnet whaou !

  6. Crazy! Never seen that much snow in my life!

  7. Am I glad that I live in Greece in an area where there is no snow. Only on the mountain tops. If I drive an hour up I can walk in the snow. So nice that I don't have to wade through the snow, I can choose to do so!

  8. Had to laugh at your comment about snow down your back. Yup, nothing snaps a person to attention quicker than that! Lol! Great photos, Kath.
