
Friday, May 3, 2013

Grandma’s Star Block

Back in January my friend Desley sent me a set of acrylic templates to make a Grandma’s Star quilt.   The fabrics on the package didn’t inspire me but Desley has started using them and has sent me pictures of her blocks which look great.  That’s the inspirations I needed to give them a try! :)    I don’t have a color plan yet, I just wanted to make one to see how hard it was….doesn’t that block look hard?  Well it is if you don’t mark the 1/4” stop marks for the Y seams.  Once I started following the instructions it went together much easier!   I think this would be fun in jewel tone batiks but I might make the white Hexi’s around the center a light blue to add more color and keep the background a very light pink. 
Have a great weekend…it’s suppose to reach 17’c here but I’ll believe when I see it!


  1. This is an really interesting blocks, looks beautiful. For me too much Y seams ;-) but I think a Quilt will look great.

  2. Beautiful block, and I like your colors much better than the instructions. I will look forward to seeing what you make from these.

  3. Purdy, purdy! Fabrics are lovely too! :-)

  4. Beautiful block! I can't wait to see what you make of them :-)
