
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Where Did the Time Go?


Almost two weeks without blogging…that’s not like me!   Well we took a trip down to Winnipeg to visit friends and family so not much quilting going on here. I would like to thank everyone who left comments on my Grandma’s Star quilt, I enjoyed reading them all!   I did finish my Medallion quilt top before I left so want to get that one quilted before summer is over. Not sure which quilt will go on Millie next as I have a few quilts I want to finish. School starts in less than 3 weeks for the boys and that means I’ll be back to quilting for others soon.

I did a bit of fabric shopping while we were away and managed to come home with a good selection of batiks so I won’t be whining that I don’t have any fabric to play with for awhile.

batiks2  batiks1

Also picked up a few extra wide backing that I am always short on.



  1. I think that qualifies as more than a bit of fabric shopping! I like pile #2 - different than your usual. Good thing you will be getting back to work soon as that will be a big visa bill ;).

  2. Your QAL Top is so flashing, wonderful bright colours. My top is laying on my machine, waiting to be quilted.

  3. Well you have been missed! LOVE LOVE LOVE all your new Fabric. So nice. Can't wait to see what you will be make with it all.

  4. love your Medallion top-and your setting! Enjoy your last couple weeks of summertime-it's going way to fast here too!

  5. You scooped up some lovely fabric!!!

  6. Love all those batiks! Your medallion top is gorgeous. It's all your fault I broke down and bought one of those curvy rulers!

  7. Welcome home, you did a great job shopping, Got an e-mail from Kathy in Carman got a good laugh out of it, she couldn't remember your name. Perogies are being made today. Robin

  8. Kathy: Awesome, beautiful quilt. Love the colours and the design using half of the block is awesome. Can hardly wait to see how you quilt this one!
    Did you go to Marshall's Fabrics while you were in Winnipeg? That is my favourite go to fabric store.

  9. Beautiful Quilt Kathy! Love the quilting on the grandma's star quilt too!

  10. So glad I am not the only one who buys in bulk when the opportunity arises! Looks to me like you got a wonderful selection - those are beautiful backing fabrics!

  11. I love your quilt! It's so bright and happy.

  12. Lovely quilt, my friend! Okay, so where on earth did you find those yummy fabrics? Beeeeeautiful!

  13. LOVE these fabrics Kathy! And your Medallion quilt is gorgeous! Can't wait to see it quilted!
