
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Giveaway Time!


Over the summer Lori and I decided that we should have a paper version of our pattern printed so we are happy to finally share that the paper version of our  Highway 10 Designs Alternate Routes pattern is now available in our Etsy shop.  We thought it would be fun to celebrate this by giving away a paper version of our pattern on each of our blogs.    That means you have two chances to win!   And not only are we each giving away one of our patterns but we also made an extra gift for our lucky winners.   So here is what you have to do to enter on my blog to win a pattern and one of my hand made batik tote bags.

Leave one comment on my blog and let me know the answer to these two very simple questions:

  1. Which one of the tote bag pictures below would you like to win?
  2. When you buy quilt patterns online do you prefer the instant download of PDF files or do you like the paper versions?

Now head on over to Lori’s blog here for a second chance to win our pattern plus see what she has made to give away with it! 


  We will be making our draws on Friday, September 6 at noon.   International entries welcomed!

I’ll be turning the anonymous option back on for this week’s giveaway but please make sure that you leave your email so we can get a hold of you if you win.  Also if your using your Blogger account please make sure your not a ‘no reply blogger”.  If your not sure if you are please check out this link, it has a wonderful tutorial on how to fix that.


  1. What a generous give away!

    My answers to the questions are:
    1. I would prefer the bag number 1.
    2. I like to download instantly a PDF file. (However, trying to work out how to save it on my ipad))

    Thank you! :)

  2. Thanks for the giveaway and love the pattern!

    I love the colors of bag #1 and adore the quilting on #2. Seriously they are both beautiful! #1 takes the cake though...

    I'm in the same boat as Tanichiwa. I prefer to have PDF but also work from an iPad so I use my husbands windows machine to download and save to an external hard drive.

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. hi! thanks for wonderful giveaway!
    my answer:
    1. bag #1, it's dificult choice because all bags very nice!
    2. i prefer PDF files

  4. awesome Kathy!!
    Love all the bags...but pick #3 and i prefer a pdf. :)

  5. hey great giveaway
    1) i like bag #1
    2) i like PDF files best...they are there instantly...and then they become paper...i have no troubles as i have a macbook...and a iPad

  6. I like the colors of bag #1 as bag #3 seems light and my bags tend to get dirty. I love the quilting on bags #2 & #3.
    I can go either way on the patterns. Thanks for asking!

  7. Thank you for having such a generous give away!

    My answers to the questions are:
    1. I would prefer the bag number 1.
    2. I like to have a paper copy of patterns so I can take it to my machine with me. If I had a ipad the pdf would work.

  8. I love bag #1

    I would like to download the pattern


  9. Thank you for a wonderful giveaway! I would chose bag #1 by a nose (all are stunning!) and PDF would be wonderful.

  10. That is a great giveaway! I love the pattern and the totes, especially #1.

    I like to hold the pattern in my hand... I save the pdf files on my computer and sometimes never look at them again... at least with the printed ones I move them a few dozen times dreaming about getting them done... and sometimes I do! LOL!

  11. All the bags are just lovely. But because bag 3 seems to be in the minority, that is the one I would choose! (Always love an underdog!).

    My favorite way to get patterns is instant download for straight piecing. If they require copying a pattern onto fabric, then I prefer the paper copies.

  12. I love your colour choices in quilts and in bags but number 1 is just a little more in keeping with my colours. I prefer PDFs for pattern downloads as it goes with the instant gratification I'm going for when I shop on line. If I'm inspired, I want to get at it right now and not wait for Canada Post.

  13. I like bag #3
    I prefer paper patterns but I appreciate that PDF's are cheaper and you receive them instantly!
    Thanks for a lovely giveaway!

  14. I love # 1 in yet they are all so pretty .
    I would prefer a pdf file .I want to start immediately when I see something I really love .

  15. What a generous giveaway!
    I love bag #3 since I am a purple lover.
    I usually order the PDF pattern - because I can't wait to get it in the mail!

  16. paper versions, I am not very tech savvy so I like to have a paer pattern to put in my binder of patterns.
    bag #2

  17. Love to own bag#1. Love the quality of the pattern. I like paper pattern but opt for PDF so I have it instantly. Easy to save on ipad with the adobe reader app. Just make sure you are in safari and you just tap the screen so the adobe bar comes up so you can save it.

  18. I like the center tote bag #2.
    I prefer the pdf, quicker.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  19. Hi Kathy!

    1. bag #1
    2. pdf



  20. I generally prefer paper patterns but getting to the point of liking PDF because then I don't have to figure out where to store them! I like bag goes with blue jean attire!

  21. Fun! It wasn't so easy to pick one bag to like but I'll go with #3 and a pdf pattern.

  22. I prefer the paper pattern as I like to hold it "in my hand".
    I like Bag # 1

  23. Thanks for the chance in the give away.

    my answers are
    love Bag # 1
    and I prefer pdf pattern since Im in Germany and postage can get pretty high.


  24. 1. I like the bag number 1.
    2. I like to download instantly a PDF file.

    Thank u!

  25. I like bag #1. and I prefer PDF download because...most sellers are in the US and shipping is so high to Canada...when the seller is in Canada...either way works for me.

  26. Thanks for the giveaway and your wonderful blog!

    My answers to the questions are:
    1. I would prefer the bag number 3, but number 1 and 2 are also very nice.
    2. I like to download a PDF file. So I can start immediately.



  27. 1. Ohh there is no doubt it's bag #1
    ... the others are nice but htey lack the "little something".
    2. I prefer paper patterns - but I rarely buy them because internationl shipping is a nightmare (so I often end up with pdf), but if it's a pattern where I have to use odd shapes for cutting, I prefer to get them on paper and not fiddle endlessly with the printer.

  28. Great giveaway!
    I like bag number 1 and prefer a paper pattern.
    Thank you!
    boppiesgirl at gmail dot com

  29. I like #3, but any would be wonderful! I'm liking the downloadable pdf patterns. Instant gratification! Thaks for the giveaway Kathy!

  30. love all bags.....but prefer #3
    love paper patterns
    also love your blog pics :)

  31. I love # 1,
    I prefer paper patterns but I appreciate that PDF area cheaper and you receice them instantly.
    BRAZIL -

  32. I like the paper patterns best but I prefer the pdf. How's that for an answer. Pdf's are fast and instant and cheap. Paper are prettier and come in protective plastic.

    I like the 1st bag and by the way, I already have the pattern so if you draw my name, give someone else another chance.

  33. Bag #2 is my favorite & I prefer PDF downloads. Thanks for the giveaway.

  34. Thanks so much for offering a giveaway and a chance to win.

    no 1, either for the pattern.


  35. Awesome giveaway!! I love the colors of bag #1, and I prefer a paper version of a pattern. Thanks!

  36. Hi Kathy - what great ladies you are to your blog followers!

    I really like bag #3 - love the light/dark contrast.

    I prefer the paper version.

  37. GREAT giveaway!!!! I love bag #1 and I prefer the paper version of patterns.


  38. I would pick number 3. I like paper patterns not PDFs

  39. #1 and PDF. Thanks for the chance-great giveaway!

  40. I love bag # 1. And I prefer PDF when there are shipping costs involved... If it's free shipping I rather have the paper version with better print and color than my printer at home.
    Thanks so much!

  41. I love bag #2. I am torn, i really like them both. Paper are nice to leaf through, but electronic are so much faster.

  42. I love this pattern, thank you for creating it.

    My choice of bags would be #1, but they are all beautiful.

    I love to have paper patterns to touch and read through, but PDF patterns are immediate so love those too.


  43. What a great pattern! I love the first tote bag and as far as PDF vs paper pattern I tend to like paper patterns for complex instructions with templates etc but PDFs for the patterns that don't require a specific shape. For example the Bento Box pattern is very simple and is something that works great as a PDF. Of course the only drawback to PDFs are when you change computers. :-)

  44. I like bag #1 best.

    I prefer to download the PDF pattern.

  45. Hi Kathy! Great give away! I think I like bag # 1 just a bit more than the other two but then all your bags are special! I like the PDF because I can get it quickly and then print it off if I want a paper copy! Now to go visit Lori! PS at least I remembered to enter this time!! Eileen

  46. Great Give Away!
    1) I like the bag #2
    2) I prefer pdf files, the great patterns from all over the world are so easy to download. Ordering a paper pattern would take to much time and too much shipping before it is here in Germany.

  47. How generous..
    Bag number 2 please! A girl can never have too much purple.

    I prefer a PDF that I can download right away.



  48. Oh I would love Bag #2
    and I do like the instant download of a PDF, now that I've done it a few times and it works!!
    thanks for a chance to win!!

  49. Great giveaway!

    1. I like bag #1
    2. I prefer pdf's but I never hesitate to buy the paper ones if that's the only option.


    dnorton at uoguelph dot ca

  50. OOoo! Bag #2.

    I prefer PDF patterns -- I scan all of my paper patterns and save them to discs because I had a 'minor' flood in my quilting room, and lost a TON of 'favorites'.

  51. So far I have bought paper patterns. All the bags are lovely. I prefer the first one.

  52. Congratulations Kathy and Lori!
    1) bag no 1
    2) PDF

    Good luck everyone!

  53. My vote is for #1 too, love those colours! I prefer paper copies when possible, but sometimes PDF is just so much more convenient.
    Thanks for the chance to win.

  54. I like all of the bags, so pretty, but if I had to pick one, then #1. I don't own a tote bag so that would be a plus. I prefer a paper pattern. Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. I really like bag #1. Love the colors. I prefer PDF when buying on-line, I can print the pattern if I need to.

  56. The bags are beautiful.
    1. I would pick bag 1
    2. I would prefer a PDF

    Thank you for the great giveaway.

  57. I love all three bags.
    I prefer paper patterns.

    Thanks for inspiring.


  58. Sweet bags--just like you.

    Bag #1 as blue is my favorite color.

    PDF is nice as I can download and work from my computer screen--no loosing my pattern pages.

    Thanks for the chance to win.

  59. love # 2 thanks i like patterns by email

  60. Thank you for the opportunity!!!
    1. I love number 1
    2. PDF patterns

  61. 1. I love bag #1 the most because of the colours.
    2. I prefer PDF's - instant is awesome! :-)
    Love your blog - very inspiring! Thanks for the giveaway.

  62. I like number one the best; love the colors

    I prefer paper patterns so I don't have to print them out but I do use the PDF form too if it is the only way it is available.

    Another consideration is the number of pages that need to be printed and whether it is in color or not. Color ink cartridges are expensive so if I have to print colored pages, I would go with the paper version for sure!

  63. Love all the bags, but I would choose #1. I like PDF files for instant gratification!

    Love your blog and your awesome work! Thanks for doing this giveaway! Have a great day.

  64. What fun! Thank you for your generous opportunity.
    1. I love the colors in bag #2.
    2. I'm definitely a fan of "saving a tree" and all that, so, for me, I like the pdf version. Plus I get it right away and print it if I need to.
    Your blog is one that I check every day. It's always inspiring.

  65. Hi Kathy,
    Bag #1 would be great for me, and I prefer the paper patterns

  66. Bag #1 is my favorite
    I prefer paper patterns

  67. I like the colours of bag #1. I like to download the pdf as it means you have it immediately and eliminates the cost of shipping.

  68. I like bag #2.

    I would prefer a paper pattern.

    Marg H.

  69. Well, I got home just in time. I wouldn't want to miss out on this giveaway! I prefer PFD patterns as the shipping charges can be as much the pattern itself. That being said there is something organic about hold a paper pattern in your hands. It all really depends where the pattern is coming from and if it is a "I'd like to make this someday" or "Let's make this tonight." As for the bags, all your bags are special, Kathy. If I had to choose it would probably be #1. Now off to visit Lori's blog. I am thinking infinity scarves. Let's see if I am right.

  70. I love bag #1. I usually prefer a paper pattern, but PDF's sure are nice when the mood strikes and I want to start a project pronto! ljkishman at charter dot net

  71. Bag #1 rocks
    PDFs are the way to go, love them.

  72. I love bag #1, and prefer a PDF file
    Jill Veres

  73. Love bag 3 I still buy paper patterns but digital seems to be getting popular Linda A

  74. I love the color combinations in bag 1, but they all are beautiful! Thanks for your inspiring blog too! I like paper patterns best. It avoids the download and printing. Thanks for this awesome giveaway opportunity!

  75. I like bag no 2 and I also like PDF patterns cause I can download them instantly and no postage and I dont have to have a fixed address (travelling round Australia in a caravan!)

  76. Hi Kathy, Thanks for your give away!
    I live in Italy so I prefer the pdf. It's much easier for me downloading the files than ordering the patterns!
    I also prefer the #2 bag!
    Greetings from

  77. #1 I love the first bag #1.
    #2 I prefer to download my patterns... When I make a purchase I am eager to get right into the project. Downloads make it all possible! Thanks, Kathy
