
Friday, September 6, 2013

Giveaway Winner and New Flickr Group!


The Giveaway draw is now closed and the winner of the Alternate Routes pattern and Batik tote bag is Ann!!


Congratulations Ann!  I was so happy to see you had an email attached to your Google account so I’ll be sending you an email to get your mailing address and will have these prizes off to you in no time.  Ann picked the first tote which is the one pictured above.

Thanks to everyone that entered my draw and answered my question about what type of patterns you prefer to buy online.  I got a lot of great information from the comments.  I am also one that like the instant gratification of buying PFD online and being able to get started on a project right away. Not having to pay for shipping is a huge plus too.

In other pattern related news Lori and I have created a Flickr group for our Alternate Routes pattern.  We have a few pictures uploaded and hope if you have made or are planning on making this quilt you can add your quilt pictures to our group. If you don’t have a Flickr account please just send your photos to Lori or myself and we can upload them for you.  So far no one has used the same layout and it will be a great place to see how others are putting their quilts together.  The pattern contains 20 different layouts but the possibilities are endless.

Here is the link to our Flickr group.


  1. congratulations to Ann.

    the bag is wonderful

  2. Congratulations Ann. I guess I'll have to go and buy a copy of the pattern now :)

  3. Thank you!! I'm excited about it.

  4. The package arrived early last week. We were all sick with colds and I didn't have a chance to really have a good look at it. The bag is going to really useful. I love the pattern and will definitely make it. Thank you for a really great package!!
