
Thursday, November 7, 2013

It’s that Time Again!

  nov snow2

You didn’t think I would go too long without trying some snow dyeing did you?  :)   Those colors are pretty bright aren’t they!  This time I though  I would experiment with turquoise.  Turquoise dye likes hot water not cold so I knew it wouldn’t react strongly with the snow but I wanted to see just what would happen.  I used equal parts turquoise and red in one and turquoise and bright yellow on the second one. As you can see the turquoise was over powered by the red and the yellow.   I got a bubble gum pink and a neon green!

  I used this snow dyeing method for this experiment.  Look at the yummy texture!

nov snow4 nov snow3nov snow If you have any suggestion for colors you would like to see dyed with this method I am game to try!


  1. Lovely colors! I've never tried snow dyeing, sounds like fun.

  2. Now if someone would come up with fog dyeing. I don't have snow, but lots of fog!

  3. How about a rich, dark brown? I very much enjoy your blog and thank you for sharing.
    Maggie in Arizona

  4. I love the red - no snow here (UK) just lots of rain!!

  5. I knew it wouldn't be long. I love seeing your experiments. People around here are getting tired of me saying I can't wait till it snows, but I can't wait till it snows. All my supplies are waiting. I'd love a nice rich dark brown as well. My brown dyeing never turns out lovely, but strings orange or purple through it.

  6. Love your colors Kathy! It looks like a lot of fun. How about a teal?

  7. So much fun. If it weren't for the fact that I hate winter, I might give that a try myself.
