
Monday, November 4, 2013

Snow Day


Look what we got last night!   Don’t know how thrilled I am yet as the roads are in terrible condition and the boys school bus got stuck in the ditch on our road.  They never sent a second bus so they got there very first snow day ever…I wasn’t going to drive them in to town in these icy conditions.  The lake is still open water but should be close to freezing over soon.  I haven’t starting back quilting yet but hope to this week. 

snowday2  snowday1

Here is a picture Andrew took with his phone when they decided to just come back home.  The back end is in the ditch and those trucks below tried to get up the hill but kept sliding back down so they gave up.  Our road finally got ploughed later this afternoon so there should be no problems tomorrow.



  1. That first heavy snow can be such a mess! It does look so pretty though!

  2. This Florida born girl can't even imagine that much snow!

  3. WOW! It snows early and deep in your part of the world!

  4. beautiful - glad your boys made it back home ok. looking forward to seeing your quilts in the winter settings always so pretty.

  5. aren't you glad you have all that wood chopped and stacked... i love snow days

  6. Glad the boys got home safe and sound, even if it was on foot! Andrew is like his mama, he takes great photos! Awesome!

  7. It is so beautiful and I can't wait for snow. I'm surprised you aren't out snow dyeing.

  8. I'm from Ontario. We got our first major frost two nights ago. Oh I am not looking forward to snow. I bet it was quite exciting for your boys!

  9. Pretty pictures Kathy. Except for the stuck school bus!

  10. Beautiful! Waiting for our first snowfall - need to get into the Christmas spirit!

  11. YAY... SNOW... I love the snow... and live all my snow days through you..LOL... I live in Oregon, in the Willamette valley and we only get a dusting now and then. I would love to sit by a window and do some hand sewing and watch it snoooowww.
