
Sunday, January 26, 2014

2013 Blogbook


Every January since I started blogging I like to print out my blog into book form so I have a hard copy.   I use a company called Blog2Print and if you decide to use this company to make your own blog book I recommend you create your book but save it in draft form for a day or two as they will send you a 15% coupon after signing up!

Here are all 5 of my books and they are a great reference to have in my Shack when I want to show a client a quilting idea that I have done in the past.


Yesterday I finally got a glimpse of the rabbit that has been making tracks in my yard and he even sat still long enough for me to grab my camera and take a few pictures.   He is very well camouflaged in the snow and I’m sure I have walked past him many times without seeing him!  They are brownish grey in the summer and turn white in the winter.

rabbit2 rabbit1


  1. I like the idea of the blog Book, it must be a beautiful Photo Book , too. You always take great pictures, I showed my Brother in law, who is not interested in quilting, but he loved your nature photos.
    And Lucky girl You could take a picture of the rabbit, we have a deer up in the Garden, which does not sit long enough ;-)

  2. Oh my, i plan on doing one of these books every year when I see posts like this. It is such a good idea. I am really going to do so THIS year. This week.

  3. I actually just made my book, didn't take long at all-I got the 15% off coupon for registering. My2013 book is on it's way, so now I just need to do the other years.

  4. Nice pictures of the rabbit. Your quilts and photography are always so beautiful.

  5. What a good idea, Kathy! I am going to look into that.

  6. Great idea about the blog book! That bunny is too sweet! I have a virtual bunny highway in my backyard! My dog goes crazy when they sit out there and he's in here. Darned glass barrier!

  7. I have thought about getting a book of my blog for a long time, and I think I need to do it soon. It's a great memory book too:-)

  8. What a fun idea... I will be checking that out! I didn't know that some rabbits change color, ours stay brown.

  9. What a cutie! (the rabbit) The blog books are a great idea.

  10. So lovely! :)
    Greetings from Finland!
    Hugs, Ulla

  11. I have been thinking about doing something like this in the future (I only started blogging in November). How large are the books?

  12. this is such a great idea!Had not though of it, but now want to do for sure!

  13. Love the picture of the rabbit. Wish I could take pics like that
