
Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Town Square #3


This is Phyl’s Town Square queen sized quilt and the third one I have quilted for clients.  She used chocolate brown and aqua coloured fabrics which is a beautiful combination.  I quilted it with the Fascination panto, used aqua So Fine thread and Dream Blend batting.


I thought this would look really nice draped over the brown railing on Phyl’s deck and since she is a friend and neighbour I took pictures over at her house.  Nice change of scenery and the sky was so blue today!  Only thing was I had to stand butt deep in snow to get these pictures!  :)



  1. Beautiful quilt, Phyl and Kathy! I loved the colours right from the start and more so as it came together! Great choice of photo location too!!

  2. Great quilt, great quilting and a fantastic photo shoot location. Nicely done.

  3. Wish you had someone to take a photo of you butt deep in snow.
