
Sunday, December 14, 2014

Christmas Cookies!



I’m not one to spend a lot of time in the kitchen but I do enjoy Christmas baking.  This year I found a link to a video on how to decorate this super cute Reindeer cookies and what makes them so clever is you use a Gingerbread man shape and turn it upside down!  I made sugar cookies and decorated them like in the video and really enjoyed the process.  It’s nice to add a new treat to the family favourites.  Here is the link to the video.  Hope to save a few to bring to our guild Christmas party on Tuesday…but no promises, cookies disappear fast here!




  1. Too Cute.... and we are on our way with a gallon of milk!!

  2. SO cute!!!! I've got to try these. For the icing, did you just make a "runny icing" with icing sugar and milk?

  3. such fun cookies, they will be enjoyed.

  4. Симпачтиные мордашки! Получается если перевернуть пряничного человечка, то получится мордочка оленя?

  5. Thanks for the idea, and a new view of the world))

  6. Cute reindeer - even cuter is using the gingerbread man cutter. Thanks for sharing.

  7. What adorable reindeer, I'm just wondering since you've perfected the technique would you make mine ??? Lol I'm also wondering what you used for the face (running icing, did you colour it as well)?

    1. I used a simple glaze icing for the face. 1 C icing sugar, 2 tsp milk, 2 tsp corn syrup, and a splash of vanilla. The vanilla gave it the colour and adds some flavour too as it is a very sweet icing.

  8. Thanks for posting these, we made them today and had such fun. Towards the end, some of our reindeer had sunglasses, facial hair and funny expressions. Happy Day!

  9. Kathy: These cookies are incredible! How did you happen to find the video that led to such creativity?
    Wow! Hey, are you waiting for the Christmas Dr Who special? Nick Frost as Santa Claus is so
    right. What do you think of this latest Dr? Have a very quilting Merry Christmas.

  10. That is such a cute idea. I'll have to remember it.
