
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Journey to Churchill–Snowy Owl


I was able to check another item off my bucket list while in Churchill.   I have seen many owls where I live but I have never gotten a photo of one and was so excited to see this beautiful Snowy Owl on our boat tour.   Tim was the one that noticed it first as the Arctic Terns were squawking and diving at it.  Our guide drove the boat closer and I was able to get my photos.  Here is what we first saw from a distance and I think I had my zoom lens on full zoom to even see it!


I kept taking pictures as we moved closer for fear of it taking off if we got too close.


The landscape here was stunning with the water, rock, greenery, purple flowers and the soft colour of the sky.

When I zoom in you can see he is looking to the right.


Now looking to the left!



Looking straight ahead!


Zoomed in!   I was so glad I was able to zoom in more on my computer and he kept in focus on this one.


Next post will be about the family of polar bears we saw next!  I’m trying to keep this in chronological order so I journal everything.


  1. that top pic looks like you have photoshopped the owl on top of a mountain - I did a double take when I first looked at it - great pic of a stunning bird.

  2. How beautiful!! It looks HUGE!

  3. Your blog is my favorite but with your journey to Churchill I have fallen in total love all over again. Not that the trip would be out of reach for me but I would have no travelling companion so I am living it vicariously with you and Tim. Can't wait to see the next installments.

  4. Beautiful. I have only seen the snowy owls in PBS specials. What a visual treat for you.

  5. I missed this, and give it equal points with the mama and her cubs. great zoom.
