
Friday, December 16, 2016

Dresden Pieced!


I finished piecing my Dresden yesterday and now to figure out how to quilt it!    I used brown Essex Linen for the centres,sashing and borders and the warmth of the fabric really allows the Dresden blocks to shine!  The JOL fabric collection that I used for the Dresden blocks is one of my favorite winter themed collections and I’m really glad I took the time to make something special with it.


I was out sweeping off the ice rink this morning, it was –28’c with a –38’c windchill.  I could see the ice is about 12” thick now so very safe to walk on.  You should hear it cracking though, I can hear it in the house its so loud as it echoes across the lake!  I’m just so happy to see the sun shining again!



  1. The brown sashing is perfect, and the setting on the snow and ice makes it even better if possible.

  2. Beautiful! I bet you will make a magic job of the quilting.

  3. Wow! Beautifully pieced. What a great way to have one's favourite fabric collection
    in a quilt. How was sewing the linen?

  4. You are a very brave lady to go out in that cold just for the sake of a!

  5. Lovely! Such nice winter colours! Can't imagine the cold. Here it is +10C and we think that it is freezing!!!

  6. A beautiful winter quilt in a perfect setting. Way to go When I was growing up in Iowa, Minn., and South Dakota, winters were really cold, often way below 0 F,but it was still wonderful being outside. Loved ice skating on the lake. Miss it, but more in my memory than in actual fact now. Not used to it any more

  7. Please let us know how you will be quilting it. I have a couple finished but have no ideas on how to quilt them. Love the colors.

  8. Beautiful!! The colours look great together. Excellent job.

  9. Wow indeed. Showed hubby and he said "WOW". Safe to assume it's a beauty. Looking forward to the quilting - it's a special one for sure.

  10. Very nice quilt. I love these colors. They are so bright and crisp!

  11. Really turned out pretty! You're a lot faster than me!!
