
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Modern Black, White and Grey


This is my last client quilt for the year!  It belongs to Norma and she made it for her daughter who designed it, no pattern.  I have never quilted a quilt with folded pleated ( white area) but I was able to just lift up the edge of each pleat and stitch underneath. It was very thick to stitch through and I did have some thread breakage but I realized I just needed to go slow and then it was fine!


Since this is a very Modern quilt I thought I would try my hand at an Angela Walters design I have never tried.  It is called the Signature design in her book Shape By Shape Quilting.   Oh was it fun to quilt out, I love it!  I shared a picture of this on IG and Angela reposted it on her account, that was a wonderful surprised for this fangirl!   I only chalked out the basic shape and then echoed it on each side. I then did the curved design in the waves and finally the U-turns in the outer edge.   I did three repeats in the wider black fabrics strip and just one wavy design in the narrower black strip.


I used random wavy lines in the light grey fabrics and diagonal lines in the darker grey fabric for great contrast.  


So the ice is now strong enough to hold my weight near the shore so I cleared a small area for now.  It was –23’c this morning with a –35’c windchill.  It was a very quick photo shoot!



  1. This looks great! I, too am an Angela fan, some of my quilts look like this! I love your icicle photos, too.

  2. Beautiful!!!!! and Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............................

  3. Love the quilting. That is a great quilt! I love the simplicity of it.

  4. Mooi ontworpen quilt.
    Prachtig door gequilt.
    Heerlijk winterweer, op kou kan je je kleden.
    Fijne dagen.
