
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Springtime Northern Lights

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Its been a while since I shared some Northern Lights photos and last night around midnight Tim and I walked out on the lake ice to get a few pictures.   It was nice to be out in only –5’c temperatures to take pictures but this time of year the lake ice is very noisy!  As we walked out across our bay to the main lake the ice was cracking and popping which added to the excitement of being under the lights.  These first pictures are taken looking northwest back out our house.

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As we walked back I wanted to get a shot of our house lights with the lights.

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As the lights faded I wanted to get a shot of my birch trees which you see so often in my quilt pictures.

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  1. Just beautiful, what a great place to live. Thanks for sharing

  2. impresionantemente espectacular, un saludo.

  3. Truly so beautiful, every one, and your trees, wonderful to get to see them at night.

  4. These photos are spectacular, and I want to thank you SO much for treating us to the northern lights on a regular basis. I follow your blog but don't often leave a comment, and just wanted to say how much I enjoy these photos each time you catch "the lights". Living in southern New Brunswick they are so very rare here. Would love to see them as often as you do. So please please keep posting photos of them for those of us in southern Canada who can only enjoy them through you!

  5. Spectacular sky and photos - thank you for sharing them with us!

  6. OMG! Thank you, the photos are wonderful!!

  7. Awesome photos! Love seeing the Northern Lights through your photos. ~Jeanne

  8. Wow, it's so lovely for you to share these amazing photos, Thanks
