
Thursday, September 28, 2017

Longarm Set Up!


We have now been in our new home 3 weeks and things are going well.  Boxes all unpacked and now it is time to start on the ‘to-do” list to make this place more finished.  The main level is pretty much done except I need to paint my bedroom as that is the only colour of walls in the house I do not like. But that’s not priority, especially since one of the walls in our bedroom is almost 14’ tall!   I already painted our closet and that was a big enough job with the high wall on one side! 

Living room still needs a rug, blinds and more pictures on the wall but it is cozy and functional.  I’m happy with all the kitchen cupboard space and the island but now my lovely painted table and chairs don’t match this kitchen!


I have my longarm all set up but haven’t had time to use it yet.  It will be nice to walk around both side of the longarm as I had it pushed to one wall in the Shack.


I am going to order some lower cabinets to have in that nook and use it as my cutting station and store clients quilt tops and finished quilts.  I’ll move out the white cabinet that is sitting there and have a counter top and cabinets right across the area.  I keep coming home with new cabinet and counter top samples as I keep changing my mind! 


And here is the messy side which is a dumping ground right now but I think I’ll keep my sewing machine cabinet on that wall.    Hope to have Tim make me an moveable ironing station at some point in the future and keep it along that wall.  But his first job is to add more lights!  There is only two pot lights in that whole space so we have ordered 4 more and he will install them as soon as they arrive!  So we are making progress and hope to get back to sewing soon!



  1. One room for it all, that must be so wonderful. Great view across open grassy areas, and it all looks fabulous. I hope you get great neighbours and can find new friends. Any move is stressful, I am so happy yours has gone well.

  2. Wow! Well done! I envy your organizational talent!

  3. Wow! This looks so great! Beautiful place and love your new sewing room! Enjoy your time settling down, and I can't wait to see you quilting again soon 😊 Have a great weekend!

  4. You certainly have been busy! It will be a fantastic space when you get your sewing/quilting room finished.

  5. Oooh lovely space in your studio - room to play and reorganise! Also that's a fantastic view/skyscape you have now. :D

  6. It's so nice to see you! Your home is beautiful! -Jean

  7. So good to read about your progress unpacking, decorating and organizing. Looking forward to reading about quilts and quilting from the new Tamarack Shack.

  8. It's so nice to see you! Your home is beautiful! -Jean

  9. You have it all looking so nice! As for your painted table, maybe you should consider painting the cabinets white? They would actually look a lot better with the trim being white, too.

  10. Long way from your beautiful spot in northern Manitoba. Just moved myself 10 days ago to Vancouver Island and am getting sorted out. Nice to get settled once again.

  11. Love your new space! It'll take some time to get things the way you want them. Question for you - are the cabinets under your long arm from IKEA? They look like they'd make great use of space and more storage area for quilty stuff.

    1. Yes those cabinets are from IKEA and part of the ALEX collection. I store my pantographs, thread cones and rulers in them. My husband made special dividers in the drawers for the thread cones holding them in place as they lay on their side they don't roll around!

  12. So great to see your new spaces! Looking forward to seeing how you set up your sewing studio.

  13. Your new house looks fabulous! What a great sewing space!

  14. Thank you for sharing your home with us all. It's always fun to see and get ideas from others. In your longarm business do you stock batting on the roll, and, if so, where? I have two bars under my table and can store 4 rolls there, but I have other rolls, too, and am looking for a better way than on storage shelves. Thank you in advance.

  15. i really likes your blog!
    You have shared the whole concept really well and very beautifully soulful read! thanks for sharing.
