
Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Minnesota Shop Hop Quilt

Earlier this year Lori and I were asked if we would like to design a quilt for the Quilt Minnesota Shop Hop Northwest Region.  We thought that would be a great way for Highway 10 Designs to connect with the four shops in this regions so said yes!

We designed a pattern that was lap size and could use the  Kansas Troubles fabric line that the Shop Hop participants will receive as a gift ( 4 half yard cuts) after visiting all four shops in the region.  We wrote the pattern in four sections so each shop can hand out one part of the pattern so once participants had visited all our shops they had the complete pattern.

The Shop Hop started August 2nd and runs to August 18th.  I'll be on the Shop Hop bus that is touring the Northwest region on Saturday, August 10 and I heard there are a few spots left!  Should be a lot of fun!

We designed this pattern you can chose either a dark background or a light background.  The fabrics you receive as your gift will depend on which shop you complete your four stops at so will not be exactly like our sample quilt but they will be Kansas Troubles fabric. Here are two diagrams we created to show how the pattern looks in the two colour ways.


  1. This would be such a fun outing, and love the darker version on deep midnight blue.Against the snow, perfect photo setting.

  2. WOW! Now there is some Shop Hop reward..... 2 yards of fabric for only four shops. Amazing!
    What a great quilt you ladies of Hwy 10 have created.
    What a compliment that they looked to the Canucks for their designers! :)

  3. Lovely quilt pattern! I wish I lived closer - the hop sounds wonderful.

  4. aren't shop hops fun!? Four of us from Dauphin and Roblin just got back from the North Central Shop Hop. Had lots of fun and spent way too much money!
