
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Blue Baby Quarter Sections with Shrepa!

Janice made this sweet quilt using our Quarter Sections pattern.  The fabrics are a blend of animal prints and neutrals with a pop of blue.

Janice brought a blue Sherpa Cuddle backing which I have never quilted with before. It was pretty stretchy along the cross grain so I loaded it with the selvages on my canvas leaders so the stretch was even across the quilt. I added Quilters Dream Blend batting as even this thick cuddle backs still need batting, without it the backings can beard up to the top as their fibers are so long.

I was happy with how it quilted and it really shows off the quilting design on the back. I used the Popcorn panto as it is one of my go-to designs for baby/kids quilts.  I used So Fine white thread on top and white Bottom Line on the back.


  1. That's a cute baby quilt - I love the zebras! I recently quilted a small quilt with cuddle backing and I found it challenging. So much stretch in the cuddle fabric.

  2. Your baby quilt is wonderful - I love it :-)
