
Monday, December 23, 2019

Christmas Break Fun!

I was browsing on Instagram and came across this fun idea on how to make Baby Yoda sugar cookies!  I am a Star Wars geek at heart so wanted to give these a try. You start with an angel cookie cutter and remove the head.  The shape all of a sudden becomes Baby Yoda with the wings becoming his ears. 

I made a glaze icing and mixed my dyes to get a nice Yoda green.  I dipped the head in the green, spread on the chocolate coat and piped on the white trim on his coat. The eyes are glaze icing too that are piped on.

I know they are not prize winning cookies by any means but they were fun to create and make me smile!  

I get a kick out of making sugar cookies that don't look like there original purpose.  A few years ago I made a Reindeer cookie using an upside down Gingerbread man cutter.  

I had a beautiful young fox hang around our yard the other day so I was able to get a few nice shots.

 He finally came out of the bush and I'm sure he was sniffing for mice under the snow.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Merry Christmas from my family to your and all the best in 2020!


  1. Lovely scenes, a fox and a family photo in the snow Happy Christmas to you all at Emo.

  2. Love all your photos and everything you share. Merry Christmas Kathy! Hope you have a wonderful New Year!

  3. What interesting ideas for cookie shapes! The young fox is very beautiful! Merry Christmas!

  4. Merry Christmas, Kathy! You have a beautiful family!

  5. Love your whimsy in making reindeer out of gingerbread men, and baby Yoda from angels! Oh, that darling, very slender faced fox!!! Such nice cheekbones!
