
Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Locomotion Quilt

Lori made this Locomotion Quilt for a birthday gift for someone that use to work on the railroad.  The pattern is free online at Blank Quilting Corporation, here is the link.  The panel fabrics are also by Blank Quilting in their Locomotion line.

I quilted it with the London Fog pantography to look like steam rising out of the stack. Used grey So Fine thread and Lori brought Pellon cotton batting.

Here is a close up of the center panel.

And while we are on the subject of trains I have to share something my husband made for my mini quilt shop on his train layout. My shop now has its own longarm and the machine slides back and forth! Now I just have to figure out how to load a quilt on it. 


  1. And draw a panto design on the table side. Maybe a finished quilt draped on the rails. (Just finished)
    Looks awesome

  2. Lovely quilt. And how cute is that longarm machine - and it moves too!

  3. A very mini long arm, maybe 4 inches? The train and the panto, wow that suits it perfectly.Magnificent!!!!

  4. sounds like you have a fun husband who really loves you!
