
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

New Quilt Shop!

If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook you'll know that I teased about having my own quilt shop.  Well it is true but not one you can shop at, it is only 5" x 7" and on my husband model train layout! :)   I have been enjoying helping Tim with his hobby this past year, making trees, adding greenery to areas, etc but then this winter he asked if I wanted to help him make a quilt shop for the town.  So this past weekend we had fun adding all the details to the building to turn it from a generic shop into a quilt shop.  I gave him all the correct dimensions for the cutting table, batting holder, counter and fabric shelves. He scaled it all down to 1:87 which is his HO scale layout.

Here are a few shots I took while we were working on the interior, pencil for scale. Many of the shelves, folding tables and chairs were made from laser cut kits he had purchased but still took some time to put together.  There are actual tiny handles on those drawers that were very challenging to glue on!

I put a bobbin inside to show how tiny everything is!  Notice the teeny tiny Highway 10 Designs pattern on the cutting table!

Oh my first customer wants two Highway 10 patterns, great choice! Now I just need a cash register! 

I printed out a few barn quilts to add to the shops interior and exterior.  They are scaled down to represent a 4' barn block. I plan to add more quilts and details to the interior over time. 

A few of these hang on the parking lot side of the building. Still need to gravel or pave the parking lot and add a few tress and some grass in front.

Tim added lights to the shop and you'll notice there are lights on in the apartment building behind as well. He has those set to a timer that turn on and off in different apartments.  This was a fun project to work on and the next time I am in a hobby shop with him I'll be looking for items to add to 'my' shop! :)

I don't think I have shared many photos of his layout on my blog but if your interested you can check out Tim model layout blog here


  1. I did see your IG post and was looks absolutely real, as in real life...big! My first thought was, "oh...I have to go to Canada and visit that shop!" It's just incredible, the detail and scale boggle my mind. Extremely well done!

  2. Cool! There's a Becky's quilt shop on my husband's layout as well. His is set in 1895 so it is more like a dry goods shop. It's great you enjoy helping with his layout. I don't do that for the most part, but I have done finish work on the wooden parts - desks, waybill holders, fast clocks and the like.

  3. That is awesome !! Your husband did a great job.

  4. I thought it was real for a moment too! How very clever! Love it!

  5. Such intricate detail in all those tiny parts, and I,too, thought it was real. Well done to you both, and here I was thinking tiny fabric pieces were difficult to sew together, the model parts are a lot harder. Enjoyed the link, Tim, you have great talent in that field, so glad we have seen your work today.

  6. Can we expect a longarm in there too? It looks fabulous.

  7. I too thought it was real! What talent your husband has and how nice that he asked you if you would like a quilt shop added. I’m blown away with the amount of meticulous detail that he has achieved with his craft.

  8. Holy cow! This so GREAT!! I love your husband's hobby and your quilt shop is perfect. When is started reading your blog, I got very excited because I thought you had really opened up a shop, so that part was a let down, but the miniature version is totally cool! You guys did a great job together!

  9. Oh my gosh. This is so cool! How talented you and your husband are. A great hobby. Everyone loves trains.

  10. I too am so impressed. How fun is this. The attention to detail is awesome. So fun

  11. Wow! It looks real! I was getting excited thinking I'd have to make a trip to Ontario. The detail is amazing. Great job.

  12. So so cute. I've asked been fascinated by train set ups, but that's a shop shop in town and I love it He did a super job.

  13. I am squealing! That is beautiful! I'm so delighted!

  14. My husband is an O gauge man with a Lionel layout. We have a running joke about opening a dual store,
    half quilt shop, half train shop. Your tiny store is wonderful!

  15. At the Kansas City Union Station, they have a mini-railroad collection along with doll houses. One of the houses has a sewing room, complete with a miniature Singer treadle machine. I took a picture of it and thought it was quite clever, but I love yours as well. Kudos to your hubby and his skill.
