
Friday, September 18, 2020

Garden of Stitches #2

Brigitt made this lovely "Garden of Stitches" wool applique quilt by Primitive Gatherings which was a BOM project from a local quilt shop years ago.  This is the second one I have quilted, you can see Stacey's larger version here.

I SID in the piano key border, added a stencil design to the outer corners, added loops in the sashing and pebbles in the background around the flowers. 

I used gold So Fine thread and Quilters Dream Blend batting.

I was able to get a few good shots of our Blue Jays in the yard, we have 6 that like to visit the feeder in the mornings.

After getting a few still shots I challenge myself to try to get flying ones as their feathers are spectacular when in flight!

My favourite shot that day!


  1. Blue Jays, perfect colours for a quilt. Love the quilt too.

  2. Fantastic pictures of the blue jays! They are such a smart and beautiful bird.
    That quilt is lovely. Your quilting really complements it.

  3. Beautiful quilt. I love the pebble makes the flowers “pop”. Great shots of the blue jay😀

  4. Great shots of the jay! They are a beautiful bird but can be obnoxious at times - just like crows and magpies! Great quilting on the quilt too. The pebbling is perfect around the flowers.

  5. I started following your blog for the quilting but now look forward to the night sky and nature shots more. You could shot for National Geographic. ;)
