
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Australian Goodies


Desley from Addicted to Quilts in Australia and I started sending each other boxes of goodies a few years ago and since we have so much fun shopping for these exchanges and of coarse getting the parcel it has become a biannual event for us. You can see what I sent her this time on her blog post here.   This is what was in my parcel this time, lots of candy, fabric and thread!   She has me addicted to Mars Pods and now sends me Jumbo pack.  I have admit I at the first pack within the first couple of hours of getting the package!  She also has me hooked on Rasant thread for piecing, I can’t get this thread in Canada so she has sent me a good stock of it!

The fabric bundle is a collection designed by Leesa Chandler for Robert Kaufman fabrics and is an Australian inspired design that you can only get in Australia. I feel pretty special to have that in my hands and love the colors! :)


My shack is starting to fill with quilts and as usual I have over committed myself again so might start quilting some of these quilt soon. I only have two of my own flimsies left and since I do not have plans for them they can stay that way for awhile. 


  1. Oh my goodness ! A package from Aussie and she did not send you any Tim Tams ? ! Those little buggers are addicting !

  2. Desley has sent me Tim Tams in our first exchange and I loved them. Then I found out I could get them at my local grocery store so she doesn't have to mail them anymore!

  3. What a package! How are you going to remain slim? Lots of yummy thread and fabric too. Are those Lindor chocolates I see?

  4. Kathy, Both you package and Desley's are wonderful. I love the idea of the exchange. The concept reminds me of the care packages I used to send my son at summer camp. How did you get started exchanging packages?

  5. Gail the exchange started because I bought Desley raffle tickets for our guilds Bargello raffle quilt two years ago. She sent me a box of treats in exchange and then she bought me raffle tickets for a quilt in Melbourne and I sent her a box of treats. So it all started over a quilt! :)

  6. Lovely box of goodies you sent Desley. I especially love the booties and the templates your husband made. Would love more info on how he makes them. I too have a handyman husband and maybe could get him to make me some.

  7. Wow, what a beautiful package of goodies! So fun for you and Desley! Love the fabrics and threads, and all those goodies. Enjoy!

  8. Kathy: Oh what a delight of a parcel. A quilters dream.... food, fabric, threads, and body creams :) What more could a quilter ask for?

  9. What a fun thing to do! I just found your blog and have gone through all your posts this weekend ... so much information, it's just wonderful! I have to tell you how I found your blog. First, this past week I was on Pinterest and stumbled upon some of your quilt pictures, then I found your site. The funny thing is that I didn't even notice you had a blog (I know! It would have bitten me, if it had been any more obvious!). Then, I gave a presentation this weekend talking about where I get my inspiration from and talked about you! One of the ladies said, "Oh, she has a blog, too" and I said "No, I've been all over her site and didn't see any blog for her personal work," but she assured me you did. I went home, found it, and got to work. I've gotten so many great ideas and just love your longarm quilting! I've marked pantos I want to add to my collection! Thank you so much for keeping such a wonderful and inspirational blog and sharing your talent with all of us!

  10. Thanks for your comment Megan, it made my day!! So glad you found my blog.
    FYI - Your a no-reply bloggers so I was sad that I couldn't email you a response to your comment!

  11. Now you are one lucky person to be on Desley's mailing list and be the recipient of all these goodies! Love to read her blog too!
    That is a great package... particularly love the thread selection! How very kind of her and the story of how your package-sending exploits started is quite creative!
