
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Quilt Ladder


This past weekend Tim made me a Quilt Ladder to display my quilts in the livingroom. I love it!  Got the idea from Lori a few months ago when her husband made her a quilt ladder, you can see hers here.  It will be fun to change the quilts on it giving it a different look every once in awhile and nice to get my favourite  quilts out of the closet and on display.

ladder2 ladder3

I have started quilting again for clients now that the summer is almost over and am just waiting for a clear day to take some pictures.  We have been getting a lot of thunderstorms the last few days but it is suppose to clear up today then I can then get back to sharing quilting pictures with you.


  1. Love this, and how special that your husband made it.

  2. I love it! and it's nice and wide, displaying your beautiful quilts!!

  3. This is a MUST-DO for me too! LOVE it and thanks to you and Lori too... just went to her site. Her blog is now bookmarked!

    You have some lovely quilts there Kathy! I see blue is in your palette!

    Congrats to your husband for a job well-done!

  4. Beautiful... I've had one on my wish list - love it!

  5. love that quilt ladder! Could you share the dimensions? I'd like to see if I could get my dad to make one for me!

  6. Diane, it is 7' tall and 24" wide and spaced the rungs 10" apart. We used two 1x6's and ripped them each down to two 1 x 2 1/2" boards. We made it to fit the space behind the couch but you can make it whatever size fits your space.

  7. That is just what I want too, asked my hubby to make me one, you are very lucky your hubby did, mine hasnt yet, lol

  8. Looks great! Just got one myself from the neighbor's trash pile, hehehe. Just needed a super clean and some stain, and voila!
