
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Silly Otters!


Yesterday I noticed some splashing going on out in our bay so I grabbed my camera to investigate.  To my delights there were four otters playing together and had just hopped on my neighbours dock when I got down to the water.  They were having fun rolling around in the snow! It was fun to watch and I wish I had video taped it too!   I see the otters often but they usually are in the water so all I see is their heads, it was nice to get pictures of them out of the water.


I thought this was funny!  All four of them are laying on their backs rolling back and forth in the snow. My sister in law called this “happy puppy time” as that is what her dog does.



Last night the moon was looking very eerie peeking out behind the clouds and I got a great shot of the moonlight on the lake and dock.  I was hoping to see the lunar eclipse this morning but it was cloudy.



  1. I love otters! We have them come up from the river to our pond in the winter. They are fun to watch but it annoys Chris when he sees them surface with one of his fine bass fish in their mouths!

  2. Your photos are great! Love the ones of the otters! Thanks for sharing, Kathy!

  3. I love your photos and your quilting. Very artistic and talented. I know it takes a lot of time to share, so thank you for that.

  4. cute little otters...they are so much fun to watch...that is a fab photo of moon and luck here with the lunar eclipse either...rainy and cloudy

  5. Wow great photos! I love otters! So fun to watch.

  6. Isn't that something!!! Lucky you!!

  7. Those little guys are just too stinkin' cute.

  8. How cute! What fun it must have been to watch them! Love your awesome sky shot.

  9. I love otters too. Terribly cute. I love your moon/dock photo too. Feeling bad that you have snow. Hope it melts and stays away for a bit.

  10. What amazing photos and how fun to see! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Thank you for sharing the Silly Otters. You live in an amazing place.

  12. First off.....puh-leeze do NOT share your snow!!! The eclipse was gorgeous here (SE corner of MN)..totally clear skies (usually it's cloudy or takes place at an hour that I'm not willing to be awake!!! LOL!). Such fun photos and those rascals truly are little wild puppies!!!!

  13. Loved your pictures of the otters. They always look like they're having fun!

  14. Love seeing the otter pics! They are too cute. Thanks for sharing!

  15. Wow! Thanks for capturing the fun. Otters make me smile and I've only seen one a few times on our lake.
