
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Still Distracted…


The weather is still nice so I find myself hanging on to these last days of summer  by spending them outside and not sewing.  I have all winter to sew!    I will be starting back to my longarm soon but have only received one out of the twelve quilts I have lined up for this month…and I’m not complaining!     My youngest son doesn’t start school until Sept 9th so he is enjoying his last week of summer holidays.  He also starts Driver Ed. soon…where does the time go?

Since I do not have any quilt pictures to share here are some of us kayaking on Thompson Lake which is only a half hour drive from our place.  Love the high rock cliffs here!


It was a lot of smoke in the air that day but it seems to have cleared up now.


Here is Tim loading the kayaks back on the car.  As long as we remember to bring the milk crate to stand on they load up pretty quick!  Still had a few straps to tie up in this pictures and then off we go.



  1. Love your pic's, looks like a beautiful place to relax! My DH and I are sure loving our kayak's too. So peaceful to be on the water.

  2. I NEED to live where you live! It must be the Norwegian in me that loves your neck of the woods. We have our first guild meeting of the year today. This is much earlier than normal, but we are mostly farmers and harvest is early this year. TTYL.

  3. Looks like a wonderful place to spend the day!
