
Monday, November 6, 2017

Blue and White Star Fling


This is Cynthia’s Star Fling quilt and she used shades of blue for the stars against a white background.  Looks so crisp and wintery on the snow!  We had about 15cm of snow fall this weekend and I was told this was early for this amount of snowfall here.  


I used the Wave on Wave pantograph with white So Fine thread.  Batting is Quilters Dream Blend.



Nice to see the sun as this fall has been very rainy and cloudy.


Thought I would share a few pictures of the quilt  hanger Tim made me this week for my sewing room! 


He used a 1x4 and oak baseboard  and we purchased Cam Clamps from Lee Valley to make it an easy release system.  That way I can change the quilts out by myself and it can be done quite quickly. I just pull back on each cam clamp and that releases the pressure and out comes the quilt top.  The boards just hang from the wall on hook and eyes so I can easily take it down from the wall.



During our snowfall this weekend I noticed some deer in the field beside our house.  Turned out to be 6 deer and a buck.  I was able to get a few pictures even though the sun had gone down already. Thank goodness for street lights!


Here is the video I was able to get of them all bounding away!


  1. Beautiful--the quilt & quilting and the deer. Love the quilt hanger. You have a very handy hubby. BTW, how do you get your quilts to lay so nice, with no footprints around them?

    1. I've wondered that as well. I can never get it flat on the first try.

  2. I love this quilt as well as the quilt that you showed a few days ago on your blog. I just love the color blue. Naturally I love the one in your quilt room also. I guess that's a given, isn't it?
    You did a great job in your choice of the quit pattern.

  3. Beautiful quilt and I like that panto. The quilt hanger your sweetie mad is fabulous as is the quilt it's holding! Oh thank you for sharing the deer..........the video is gorgeous, they look like they are frolicking!

  4. Floating on snow, beautiful. and the video, you have another perfect spot for your home. The quilt hanger, what a wonderful way to have them hanging, very innovative. Tim, you could go into production for them!!!

  5. Beautiful quilt. Thanks for sharing.

  6. A lovely quilt brought to life by your beautiful quilting. That’s a very clever quilt hanger! I’m heading south can keep your snow, as pretty as it is!

  7. Beautiful - and striking on the snow!

  8. That hanging system is ingenious - You don't mind if I get Scott to make one for me, do you? Loved seeing your deer. They are stockier than the mule deer we have here. If they are also as large, they must be quite intimidating to be close to!

  9. I would love to see more detailed pictures of your quilt hanging system.

  10. Well you have fun things to look at in your new settinng!!!
