
Friday, May 14, 2021

Surviving January Quilt

Janice made this modern 'Surviving January' quilt at a workshop at Keystone Modern Creative back in Feb 2020, before the lockdown.  It was a class taught by Bill Stearman.  I was fortunate enough to be in Winnipeg at that time and went to his trunk show.  It was very inspiring and Bill is a great story teller.

I quilted Janice's quilt with the Raindrops panto, used black So Fine thread and Quilters Dream Blend batting.

Janice's backing was just a few inches too small so she had some leftover blocks that she added to the back to make it the perfect size and give the back a modern flare!


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  1. Stunning design, love the raindrops, and great setting out in the open with trees for props.

  2. Love all the colors and arrangement!

  3. Great quilt! Black really makes the colours show up. I haven’t done one with black yet but this one is an inspiration. I recently made a blue HST with white quilt and loved the look too.
