I probably shouldn't show you this but what the heck. This is my friend Lori using my Millie! ( no it's not for rent). Lori is an AWESOME friend and i like to call her my 'creative coach'. She knows how to gently push me out of my very small comfort zone and encouraged me to reach my dream of owning a Millennium. As she held my hand through this whole process of buying the longarm and traveled with me to Winnipeg to buy it, i told her she could use it anytime....well anytime i wasn't!!! So this week she finally took me up on the offer and spent 14 hours quilting her bargello quilt. She did a fantastic job and got the hang of the machine quickly. There were only a few "... how do i stop this thing" moments and one broken needle. Hey, not bad considering that with my first quilt i blew fuses, had the belt drive slip and had a bearing seize in the motor. So in comparsion.....it went very well!

Lori and i also just found out that we did very well with our Kick Ass Challenge quilt (the Joy wallhanging 2 posts ago) at the Neepawa Lilyfest. It won first!! Then the store owner called to ask if he could enter it in the local Plumas Fair. There it won best quilted item and won most outstanding entry in the fair!!!! ***happy dance***