WHOOSH! That was the sound of another successful quilt show zooming by. Months of preparation and it is over in a blink of an eye. Our guild held our 7th biennual quilt show this weekend and I have to say it was full of laugher and friends sharing in the excitement of each others accomplishments. So often I read about guilds being described in a negative way and I think the owner of the quilting store that came to our show for the first time to be our Merchant Mall described us best. She said that we were an odd or different guild in that we all really get along well together and have fun with each other!!! I'm glad she saw that, we are definately a big family that loves to have a good time together ( even when I am being the 'pesky' little sister... right E).
I was totally exhaused by Saturday evening and since I had not seem much of my family in the last 4 days we just rented a movie, snuggled under a few quilts on the couch and relaxed all evening.
So tomorrow I plan to get back to my longarm...it has been 3 weeks since I have touched it. I have 8 quilts lined up to work in on this month and maybe one for myself.
Here are some pictures of our show that was held in our local community hall. The first two are the view from the stage.
Here is a shot of the new quilt frames that Lori's husband made for our show to hold baby and lap sized quilts. The 12 black panels that I was frantically sewing days before the show turned out well. I just followed Lori's instructions....1 1/2" seam on the sides, press and lots of pins...good advice!
Here is the view from behind our Merchant Mall looking towards the stage. I have to give a big Thank You to Prairie Chicks Quilting for packing their mini van full of fabric goodies and traveling 6 hours to come to our show. We do not have a fabric shop in our town anymore so we were seriously suffering from fabric shopping withdrawal. They completed our show and I hope they will be able to join us again for our next show in two years.