Thursday, January 30, 2025

Anteli Quilt


Gaby pieced this stunning Anteli Quilt which is a BOM pattern from Quilter's Treasure Chest.  She used all batik fabrics to make this intricate queen sized quilt.

I was so excited to finally have a blue sky, no wind day to get these pictures. And it was only -4'c so I would call that a warm January day by my standards!

I quilted it with the Bora Bora pantograph, used a light cream So Fine threads and Quilters Dream Blend batting.

We have had a lot of windy days so it is nice to use all those snow drifts as foreground.

But it looks really nice on my bed too! 


  1. Breath taking.....what a beautiful back drop for photos

  2. What a stunner! Just so beautiful

  3. A true Master Piece!! Beautiful work, by both of you! And such perfect shots with the snow to show it off, even more!

  4. That is a beautiful quilt. You both did an awesome job.
